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Monday, August 31, 2009

Chace, Ribeye and myself sanded, cleaned and painted the pullups bars on Friday. They're no longer rusty, but they are a bit slick.

21-15-9 for time of:
115 lbs Cleans
Ring Dips
Double Unders
Make -up Day
T-shirts are in! Bring $20 or a check made out to Chace Wheaton.

Fight Gone Bad IV. I've heard plenty of you mentioning you should donate, why not now?
If you're doing the 30 day paleo challenge ignore the below.
There's a thread on the Crossfit forum called "Dietary confessions of a Crossfitter". In this thread various crossfitters from around the world come in to confess there various dietary sins to a welcoming public. I've learned a few lessons from this thread:
1. Everyone cheats. Even the strictest zoner occasionally slips on their blocks, the strict Paleoite lets a processed grain past their lips. And most people don't cheat just once, there's 52 pages of this stuff. It's got to be happening more than once for everyone.
2. Relax. The best thing to do once you slip up on a diet is to move on, try and do better next time and forget that you've messed up, they're is absolutely no reason to dwell on it. You may fell short term guilt and general malaise from the crap you ate, but you'll be fine. Life is too short to worry about keeping strict Zone or Paleo all the time. You don't need to come in and work really hard to burn off those calories because you cheated on your diet. Relax.
3. Sweet, Fatty, Sugar. The easiest foods to cheat with are the indulgences: fried, sweet and sugary baked goods, chocolate and alcohol are big culprits as well. They spike your insulin, blur your vision and lull you into a false sense of security and drowsiness.
4. Celebrations. Don't worry about strict zone or paleo here, get close if you can and if you can't: dig in. It's not worth being that strict, and it places you in an uncomfortable place as a guest having to ask the host if they have a gluten free option. Enjoy yourself, have fun and don't worry about it. In 20 years are you going to remember having cake and too much champagne or are you going to remember that you kept strict zone? Which one would you rather remember?
5. Try and keep your relationship with food on a sensible level. Food is first of all about taste and variety, enjoy what you eat when you eat it. Food is fuel only in it's secondary capacity.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Theresa, Owner of Crossfit Appleton for her Date with 95
Pam, stopped by with Theresa for "Cherry"
Ranjana going through "Cherry"
Hope to see you all again sometime soon!
Over Head Squat
Fight Gone Bad IV. Less than month. Get excited, 'cause we are.
*Gym is closed Saturday. Watch the blog for Sunday class info.*

The 3 aspects most important to your success in here are:
Intensity (w/ virtuosity)
So with that in mind I have a question for you all: How much sleep are you getting? Melissa Byers has a great post for Aug. 26, 2009 and here's a post from Robb Wolf on the same idea. Basically you need more sleep, you need a darker room and you can lose weight doing it. The challenge is: 2 weeks, 8+ hours of sleep a night, I'm willing to try. Who's with me? Sleep is one of the most important recovery process you can use, and probably one of the easiest to implement. Really with this what have you got to lose?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Screamin' Trees!
Roger, notching an impressive 3 round PR on "Nate".

Becky putting on an impressive performance. 18 rounds on Nate and doing slightly modified HSPU's one month in. To put that in perspective, a lot of the women at the Crossfit games were cut because they couldn't do one full depth HSPU for the AMRAP wod. Keep an eye on this girl, she's going to be some kind of monster very soon.


Rest Day
Make up Day
Burpee Broad Jump 50 ft.
Tire flip 50 ft.
200 m Overhead Carry (45lb/ 25lb)
3 rounds for time

Why haven't you signed up for Fight Gone Bad IV, yet? We're almost a 1/4 done with our fundraising and it's not too late to help out. Do you have any questions about it that we could answer?
There has been talk of a Labor day pool WOD/ party. Who of you out there would be interested?
Torn calluses suck, they hurt and make life difficult for a few days. Here's my triage guide to deal with torn calluses.
1. Tear the skin flap off. Within 15 to 30 minutes, grab it and pull it off. You want to get this dead, torn skin off your hands and I find that tearing it does a better job than cutting, especially since cutting leaves a ridge of skin that will have to be cut or filed down eventually. If you have a blister that hasn't torn yet, leave it. If you have to drain it by piercing it in one spot and then covering with gauze. It will heal better with the skin over top of it.
2. Also in this time frame your going to want to disinfect and clean the wound. Use whatever you like, in the gym we use Bacitine, which works well. Speaking from personal experience I'd avoid Hydrogen Peroxide. What a torn callus is is basically a burn, a friction burn, and you want to treat it the same way you'd treat a burn.
3. The next couple of hours are going to suck and be painful. You might want to have some non-stick gauze pads around as your wounds will have some drainage. Tea bags also work. I've also found that some pain relieving Neosporin really helps. For the next 24 hours you're going to want to try and keep the wound covered either with Neosporin and gauze or some Second skin. Having your hands bandaged up is gonna look weird in an office environment, but if you've told your co-workers anything about Crossfit than they already think you're weird. What 2nd skin or neosporin is doing is keeping the wound covered and moist for the first 24 hours. This promotes healing and well let you do things like pick up a glass and use a fork normally
4. After those first 24 hours the only thing that will help is time. Don't expect to be back to the gym for a little bit. Expose it to the air, let it breath. keep it clean and freak your friends out with your battle wounds. Hands are especially prone to painful cracking when those torn callus are healing. Keep 'em well moisturized and it will mitigate this.
Good luck.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2 Muscle ups
4 Handstand Push ups
8 70lb Dumb bell swing
20 minutes as many rounds as possible
Have you signed up for Fight Gone Bad IV yet? Every little bit helps. Give what you can, when you can, if you can.
*The Gym will be closed Saturday, we're encouraging you to go The Garage in Woodstock, see Monday's post for info. And it's up on the whiteboard in the gym.*

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-Samuel Johnson
How many time's have you attributed your soreness to lactic acid? Turns out you could be wrong. What your soreness is probably related to is the muscle fascia itself tearing: an actual physical damage rather than a build up of a chemical, soreness comes from the repair of the muscle.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Have you signed up for FGB IV yet? Karin and Curtis did! Way to step up guys. Remember the person who raises the most money will receive a special prize package.

"Date With 95"

5 Thrusters 95 lbs.
7 Hang power clean
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.
The gym will be closed Saturday. We're encouraging all of you to make the journey up to Woodstock to do Mr. Joshua with them. More info can be found in the blog post for Monday, August 24.
Something else to look forward to: a couple of posts on the topic of hands and hand care. We'll be talking about gloves and why you don't really need them and why we'd prefer you didn't use them, Torn calluses and what to do to take care of them and get you back in the game as soon as possible and finally how to tape your hands, one of the most effective ways we found to tape up.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Brian and Lee stopped by to see what its all about.

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats


5 handstand pushups
10 one legged squats (alternating legs)
15 pullups

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Two events coming up in the next couple of weeks:

This weekend, Saturday August 29th, The Garage in Woodstock is hosting an event for one of their members killed in action. The WOD will be Mr. Joshua. They'll have different levels of difficulty and cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, it's $10 to participate which includes all the food and drink you can handle after the workout. Go here to sign up.
Fight Gone Bad IV is coming up in 32 days, We've raised $40 of $2000 and only Chace and I have signed up. Who's going to be the first one to sign up with us? Who's going to set the bar on donations? Who's willing to step up?
" Only you can decide what level of mediocrity you're willing to accept today."
-quoted by Eugene Allen from an unknown source

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hang Power Clean

Read yesterday's post about Fight Gone Bad IV and sign up!

***There will be no class on Sunday, August 23. Enjoy your rest day!***

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chace's Grandpa getting after some wallball's, not bad for 70!

100 feet of walking lunges
21 pull ups
21 sit ups
100 feet of lunges
18 pull ups
18 sit ups
100 feet of lunges
15 pull-ups
15 sit-ups
100 feet of lunges
12 pull-ups
12 sit-ups
100 feet of lunges
9 pull-ups
9 sit ups
100 feet of lunges
6 pull-ups
6 sit ups
For time
Compare to 6/03/09

Fight Gone Bad IV info:

The Charities

What these guys are doing is so cool. They saw the need for more support for wounded veterans when they came home from Iraq and Afghanistan, they wanted to avoid the homelessness and substance abuse that happened after the Vietnam war . Many of these men came home injured by IED's, insurgents weapons and other devices. Injuries that were both physical and mentally debilitating were treated medically and unaddressed afterwards, this is where Wounded Warrior's stepped in and fought for these men. They fought for their rights, for their humanity and for their respect. Wounded Warrior has held Level 1 certs for their athletes and provides a place for veterans to find succor in their times of need.

Athletes for a Cure is the fundraising and outreach arm of the Prostate Cancer Foundation. 1 in 6 men will get prostate cancer sometime in their life. 2 men in my family have been affected and I'm sure you may know many more in your own family. Athletes compete in triathlon's, marathons and crossfit workouts to raise money to help find a cure and viable solutions to end prostate cancer as well as to raise awareness about prostate cancer.

Check 'em both out and see what you think.
The Details

How to register:
1. Find Register on the main page
2. Follow the directions from there, we have an existing affiliate page under Crossfit Sandy Springs
3. Two ways to raise money: Donate directly or ask friends and family for donations. Our gym goal is $2,000 that is about $50 from each crossfitter.
4. Whoever raises the most money will win a prize package of: A special free t-shirt and a month's membership free.
If you don't want to sign up you can donate directly to anyone in the gym and it will be added to our team total. Find Donate on the FGB IV main page and search for our gym.
Watch this space for more info!

Friday Video of the Week: 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

Thursday, August 20, 2009


150 Wallball (20lbs.)

for time

The affiliate will be participating in Fight Gone Bad IV, We'll have more information and ways to sign up as soon as we know. Watch this space!

FGBIV is raising money for Wounded Warriors and Athletes for a Cure, which is a subsidiary of Prostate Cancer Research. We'll be doing the workout on September 26, 2009 which is a Saturday. We'll do the workout and then grill out, drink up some adult beverages (juice for the kids) and enjoy the post exercise euphoria with friends and families.

Satori, is a concept in Buddhism when a practitioneer first recognizes the essential nature of Buddha. It translates as a "Sudden Flash of Awareness". I believe that in Crossfit there are also Satori moments. The movements we do are complex multi joint compound movements. Nothing is simple. Most everyone struggled with Double Unders when they first started. Just think of that, all of you brilliant well educated people (and your humble writer) struggling with a simple piece of rope. And if it wasn't that then it was Cleans, Jerks, Deadlifts, Squats, running, rowing the list can go on infinitely. Rest assured you will meet your goat somewhere in here. But one day it will just make sense, everything will click, it will become effortless. But much as the Buddhist monks didn't realize their infinite Buddha nature by leading their everyday lives, you may not reach your Crossfit Satori without practice. Days, Weeks, Months of practice. Think of it as working meditation. And you'll have to put in a lot of it.

But one day you'll be working your clean and you'll get one just right, perfect. This is your Kensho moment. Your first peak at what is to come, keep working and you too will conquer these movements, reach virtuosity and maybe get a little taste of Crossfit Satori.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nothing like the smell of bumpers in the morning.
Rest Day
Make Up Day


3 rounds for time:
400m Medicine Ball Carry
21 Medicine Ball Clean

In a marathon race, the Crossfitter will always lose to the marathoner. In a powerlifting meet a Crossfitter will always lose to the dedicated powerlifter. When you combine the two: a duathlon of marathon and powerlifting, the Crossfitter will destroy both.
This is an excellent example of sport specific training trumping general training. The general nature of Crossfit doesn't allow enough frequency and specificity of training to truly excel anywhere in rigorous competition against dedicated athletes. In a casual competition (the neighborhood 5k, A small powerlifting meet, a casual pick-up game of soccer, basketball, ultimate frisbee) you'll do alright .We did a 2k row recently. Some of you wondered how to improve your times, it's really quite simple: The more 2k's you pull the better at 2k's you get. Of course your Olympic and power lifts suffer, but for a rower that's besides the point. To get better at any sport from Curling to Jai-alai you need to play that sport. This doesn't equate to not needing general conditioning however.
Due to the general nature of Crossfit we can enter any sport and with a little bit of specificity, excel. Think of it as building a house, Crossfit is a strong, deep foundation of Aerobic base, Strength and Power. Not to mention the ability to endure suffering. Once you have that general base you can put any sort of sport (or house) on it and it will be stronger, longer and faster. My metaphor is a little muddled, but the message should come through as this: With Crossfit we are building do-all-athletes, prepared to do anything in any sport. You can come out of a year of Crossfit and play in any competitive league sport in the nation. And do well
Let's get the marathoner under the bar squatting, let's get the powerlifter out running. Ultimately they will both benefit in their sport and in their life.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

426 on the double under/sit-up WOD, Nice Job Chace!
This picture speaks for itself, I'm not sure what it's saying, but it speaks for itself.
James, the owner of Crossfit Addiction, stopped by for Monday's WOD

There is nothing that says you need to be strictly monogamous with your Crossfit box. We'd like to encourage all of you to be polygamous: go explore some of the 39 affiliates in Georgia. If you travel, visit different boxes (the listing for all the states and international affiliates is a little ways down the page). Bring home a t-shirt and ideas to make our box better. Where ever you may roam, you'll always have a home here.

Monday, August 17, 2009

2 minutes Double Unders
2 minutes Sit-ups
90 seconds Double Unders
90 seconds Sit-ups
1 minutes Double Unders
1 minutes Sit-ups
30 seconds Double Unders
30 seconds Sit-ups
Record Total Number of Double Unders and Sit-ups
Area under the curve:
Crossfit bases any improvements in fitness solely in the terms of increased work capacity. I'm an english major, not a math wunderkind but I'll try my best to explain a few of the minutiae of programming:
Power/Time=Work Capacity
Work in this case refers to any amount of Meter/Kilos/ Seconds a measurable discernible solid quantity. The reason why we don't use the scale as a arbiter of success is that it is not also correct. My weight can fluctuate day to day, were as 200 kilos on the barbell is always 200 kilos.
If you were to graph this equation, you get a curve. The shorter the time competent the more power I can produced, The longer the time competent the less power I can produce. The area under this curve is what crossfit defines as your work capacity. When you increase you Meter/Kilos/Seconds you have increased your area under the curve and are those more fit.
In reality I have found it nearly impossible to combine all the pursuit and measures of crossfit into one graph. The testing for one pursuit, such as rowing or weightlifting, would take months. So this work capacity graphs is really a way of imagining what we call fitness is.
There's a third axis that crossfit has recently added that involves extending this work capacity graph over time and correlating that with health. We'll cover this in a later post.
Another implication of this sort of thing is reflected in programming. There are primarily only 2 types of crossfit workouts. Task-Completion and Time-completion: task completion are where there are a given set of reps to do and an unlimited amount of time to do them in. Time completion is where there is a limited amount of time and an unlimited amount work to do. How quickly you can do the task and how much of the task you can do in a given time is how fit you are.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rest Day
Make Up Day
(music on the video may be loud)
"Rowing is the only sport that originated as a form of capital punishment." -- Old Rowing Truism
"Rowing is such a fine sport. Everyone goes backward, and the leader can see his opponents as they struggle in vain." -- Brad Alan Lewis from Assault on Lake Casitas

Sunday class will be at 10:00

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jared, just a little behind everyone else


Today's post comes to us from Jon Gilson of Again Faster and one of HQ top trainers. He writes about corssfit being a "Cult". Gilson writes with a bit of a high blown and mellifluous tone. But his message is in the write place.
Often enough it's hard not to sound like a junky or religuous acolyte when describing crossfit to someone who knows nothing about. When talking to someone about joining its important to assure them that everyone can do this, we're all about safety and community and that it's the best cult you can possibly join. The first workout is always free so invite everyone!
By Jon Gilson

This can’t be a cult; the connotations are all wrong. "Cult" would imply that something foolish or devious is occurring, something motivated by greed or vanity, something to do with stars or demigods, the cosmos or the second coming.The only motivation here is excellence. Caring too much. Pushing the boundaries. All that stuff you say during a job interview and nobody believes you.
From outside the looking glass, I can see the disbelief. I can believe the disbelief. Thousands of people, swearing up and down this is the best thing since solar power, lawn irrigation, and supermarkets, bundled into a free-if-you-want-it package and available daily, changing lives every time. It sounds like a teenager’s drunken promise, whispered sweetly and mired in mal-intent.

It sounds like a teenager’s drunken promise, whispered sweetly and mired in mal-intent.

Any rational human being would assume that there’s a plot, a cabal at the top, aiming to steal and maim, to prosper at another’s expense.
There’s not. I know, because I’ve sat at the table. I’ve had the conversations, reflecting on the past and predicting the future, wondering at the sheer speed of the rocket ship, the linear progression turning geometric. The discourse isn’t yachts and summer homes; it’s progress.
The driver of this mission is physical superiority; a battle-ready state, general physical fitness spurred by a contrarian philosophy and a general distain for bullshit.
We want our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen to pummel our Nation’s enemies. We want our sons and daughters to reject a sedentary lifestyle. We want our parents out of nursing homes and into society.

We do not want a cult, togas and Nikes ready for the apocalypse, and we couldn’t have one anyway. CrossFitters are too numerous to track, let alone control. They’re recklessly dispersed in America and the Middle East, Peru and Finland, Prague and Canada, arrayed under a thousand coaches, many of whom would just as soon eat horseflesh as agree with each other.
The only motivation here is the higher calling, the moral stance, and the knowledge that kind of good is not good enough, that health and wellbeing are sacrosanct, that the truth is inviolable, that fitness is everything.
Decry the organization, but know that your arguments are false. This is no siren song, no massive conspiracy to suck dollars from the pockets of the credulous. This is a revolution, righteous, transparent, and effective. It is a philosophy couched in generosity and executed unfailingly. It is a way of life, and it will continue, with or without you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pull-up Ladder
Do 1 pullup the first minute, do 2 the second minute and so on. Till you can't do any more.
"Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling. "
-Mark Rippetoe

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nate' s hand after "Tabata Something Else", the pull up bars were still hot from welding.
Lacey, one of our newest members, going through "Cherry"

"Three Bars of Death"
Deadlift 1.5x Bodyweight
Bench press Bodyweight
Clean .75 Bodyweight

Set up three bars and storm through for time
(cause it's like a sandwich...)
25 Double Unders
5 rounds of:
135 lb. Clean & Jerk 5 reps
10 Pullups
25 Double Unders
Most of what we'll do in here is pretty safe, we're very strict on form and movements mainly for your safety. That being said there are ways to hurt yourself. We're going to cover one that ever crossfitter no matter what level and experience should know about:
What happens with rhabdo is that the muscle are so taxed and damaged that the myoglobin and broken down muscle fiber leak into the blood stream where they damage the kidneys, in turn the kidneys shut down and eventual leave waste in the blood. Treatment is several days in the hospital with intravenous fluids and may extend to dialysis or worse. Rhabdo was first seen in earthquake and disaster victims from crush injuries but has many causes. It is also seen in endurance athletes and a very small group of Crossfitters. This comes from an unadapted person pushing a workout very hard. It's intensity without the preparation to be intense. It can also comes from an unknown movement that is pushed too hard and certain movements are more likely to cause it. We work very hard to avoid Rhabdo in all of our athletes but here are some signs and symptoms to look for.
Signs to look for: If your urine is brown or Coke colored go the hospital immediately. If you are in debilating, paralyzing pain go to the hospital (if you're not sure whether your in that sort of pain, you're not). Intense localized swelling and lose of use of affected areas. Nausea and vomiting 12-24 hours after a workout are rare but potential symptoms. If you think you have Rhabdo tell them why and keep insisting you have Rhabdo, insist on urine and blood tests. Call or contact us as soon as possible no matter the time of day! Rhabdo can present asymptomatical as well. Discretion is the better part of valor here, if you're unsure ask us or a trusted medical advisor.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

3 rounds:
400m run
21 box jump 20"
21 DB swings 55lbs
A little olympic weightlifting to get you through the day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Four rounds:
800 meters
rest as needed between attempts

We talk a lot about diet in the gym and on the blog. One of the men on the frontlines of revolutionizing diet is Gary Taubes. His book "Good Calories, Bad Calories" has no original research done for it, it is merely a summary of the diet and science know to that point. It is amazing what we don't know in regards to diet. The empirical research, Taubes suggest, has not been done and what has been done was flawed and biased. Check out a talk of his here.

Another thing to remember is that if you mess on your diet, "cheat" as it were you shouldn't get too down on yourself about it. Everyone, everyone falls off a diet. You're not any worse off, you're not going to get fat, you're not going to get slow and weak. Pick yourself up, recognize what you did and why, learn from it and move on. You'll be fine.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rest Day

4 rounds for time of:
50 feet Broad Jump
15 Uneven Thrusters (85 lbs total for both hands( 55 lbs))
50 feet Broad Jump
Farmer's Carry Up and Down Hill 70 lb. Dumbbells, 55 lb. Dumbbells
15 Pullups

Ice is one of the best recovery techniques for inflammed irrated tissue now on the planet. Think of it not only as a remedy for acute injuries, but also as a means to recover quickly. I'd like to say that I am in no way a medical professional, you should always do what your doctor or other licensed health care professional tells you. That said, there are 4 levels of Icing.

  1. Contrast Hydrotherapy. I've written about this before. In the shower turn the water as cold as you can take it for as long as you can before going full heat. Repeat 3-5 times. I find this is a great way to loosen stiff muscles up.
  2. Icing. This is the general icing you've done for sprains and injuries. We've all heard of the bag of peas trick, I've find that frozen meat works better for me. Ice is obviously preferred, the smaller the size of cube the better. But don't dismiss using some frozen steaks or pork lion. Put a towel between you and the ice so you don't get frostbite. 10-20 minutes allowing the body to come back to temperature before icing again. 5 times a day should be seen as a minium especially with acute injuries. If you've got a little strain or are feeling especially sore throw some ice on there. I'm pretty sure it can't hurt.
  3. Ice massage. Take an insulated disposable cup like the styrofoam coffee cup fill it with water and freeze it. What've you created is a giant ice cube. This is great for acute injuries. take that ice cube and rub it exactly on the spot that hurts and nearby vicinity. Make sure to keep the ice moving. keep a towel around for the melt and go for 5-10 minutes. The cold penetrates deeper, massages tight muscles and is much more efficent than general icing.
  4. Ice Bath. Not for the faint of heart. Try this if your legs, arms or body is absolutely destroyed and you need to recover quickly. Buy 20-30 lbs. of ice (around $5). Fill your bath tub with cold water and the ice. Submerge. It's really that simple. the first 3 minute is the hardest and you need to do at least 10 minutes if not longer to feel the benefits. Speaking personally, I found it pretty refreshing once my toes regained feeling.

If you've got your own tips and tricks post to comments so that others may benefit.

Sorry for the late post. There will be no Sunday class. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks to everyone for their help today.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

3 rounds:

21 L-pullups
3 L-rope climbs 15 ft

"If I have seen further it is only be standing on the shoulder of giants."
-Sir Isaac Newton
Make sure you talk to Nate, Chace or Paul about Saturday's workout.
Check this post on Intensity from Jeff Martin, creator of Crossfit Kids (the only cert you need a criminal record check for), head trainer at Crossfit Brand X and general all around badass.
Two of my favorite quotes: "NEVER walk away from the bar! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!"
and "Just Finish it. When Most people set the bar down, they wait until they feel better until they pick it up again. You will not feel better until the thing is done. Might as well get back on the bar do the work required and finish the thing."
Rest is an allusion of control in the frenetic pace of a workout, the clock never stops moving forward, neither should you. Hope everyone is recovering from a rough 3 days.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3 rounds for time of:

500m row
21 Burpees
400m run

"Far and away the best prize life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
-Theodore Roosevelt
"The only easy day was yesterday."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds of:

1 minute of Wall ball
1 minute of SDLHP (75 lbs) (55lbs)
1 minute Box Jumps 20"
1 minute Push Press (75 lbs) (55lbs)
1 minute of rowing for calories

1 minutes of rest

Athletes move from station to station on a continiously running clock. 1 minute rest after the completition of all exercises. Score is tabulated by total completed reps in all three rounds, except for rowing where rep are calories accumulated in a minute.

One of the fundmental physiological response we work with in here is Hans Seyle General Adaptation Syndrome. There are 3 stages of his theory Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustation. Alarm is what you feel immediately after the WOD. It will feel very similiar to a sympathetic or parasympathetic autonomic response, either the elevated heart rate and adrenaline of the fight or flight response, or the general nausea and lethgary of the rest and digest response. The more intense your workout the greater these effects will be felt and the more effective your WOD will be. After this stage comes resistance where the body adapts, recovery is an important part here, good diet and time. It is also this stage long term (months and years) were overall body changes and strength come from. We want to stay in this stress/adaptation phase as long as possible. The last stage comes in when you ignore the need for recovery. Overtraining, sickness and general malaise come in here. Seyle predicts that with enough of a stressor, such as exercise, you will eventual die. In a single session it is almost impossible to push yourself that hard, most people pass out before then.

Why is this important to you? Because is shows that over time as you become accostumed to work, to the stressor, you must increase (or decrease) some measurable compent of the workout. Either decrease the time in which you complete a set number of reps and weight (Grace for example) the weight you lift (your 1RM deadlift) or how far and fast you can go (5k or Cindy or another AMRAP). We always want to see improvements in Meters Ran, Kilos Lifted, and Times lowered, even if theses improvements are much smaller than you think they should be, they are still improvments and should be celebrated as such. If you aren't seeing improvements in the results you want examine 3 things: Recovery, Intensity and Nutrition. If you are lacking in any of these area you're probably not seeing the gains you could be seeing.

Monday, August 3, 2009

CFHQ Rest Day
Make Up Day
5 rounds for time:
7 Dumbbell Clean 70 lbs (50 lbs)
7 Handstand Push Ups
7 Pullups
7 Ring Dips
Make sure to vote for T-shirts!
Just wanted to tell everyone they did an absolutely great job at the fitness challenge. I ran alot of people through the Gauntlet that day and I think that y'all had some of the best form in the competition. Results are up here. Check out were you rank. Any thoughts for competitors or spectators? How was your first big Crossfit event? Would you do it again?
A joke and a challenge:
"A young boy comes down stairs for breakfast and says to his father
'Dad we've been talking alot about commitment and contribution at school, but I don't get the difference.'
Father says to him 'Son, what's on your plate?'
'Ham and Eggs'
The father says 'Son, that chicken made a contribution to breakfast, that pig made a commitment.'"
-Will Scoggins Dartmouth Novice Coach "Row Like Pigs"
The Challenge: Have you got your first unassisted pull-up? What about muscle-up or handstand? are you working toward that goal? Come in this week and tell us what your goal for the month of August is.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

21-15-9 of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

A quick word of congratulations to all that competed yesterday. You guys did great. Thanks for going out a representing CrossFit Sandy Springs with style. Thanks also to everyone else who went out and supported the event and all of your teammates. You guys are amazing people and we are proud to have you at CFSS.

Sunday class is cancelled due to an emergency. Sorry for any inconvenience. 
Atlantic Sports Events 
Georgia Fitness Challenge

Good luck to everyone competing, have fun down at the challenge.

The gym is closed today but we will be open tomorrow for one hour. The time will be announced later today.

Sunday's class will be at 11:00.