Rob and Jen getting after some
wallball shots.

Sheri working on her new commitment to 5 days a week

Our resident
Canadian making box jumps look easy. Awesome job
Backsquat, 1 rep.
Shoulder Press, 1 rep.
Deadlift, 1 rep.
A quick discussion about heavy days. Ask yourself a couple of questions. First, what are your favorite workouts, the one's you push yourself the hardest on? Second, What are your least favorite workouts, the one's you don't push your limits on? Now ask yourself why should you approach these workouts with a different intensity?
Here is a quick answer for the last one, YOU SHOULDN'T!
" We are only as fit as limits of our abilities"- Greg Glassman
(May not be an exact quote)
In CrossFit there are 10 general skills of physical fitness. They are: Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. We are only as fit as we are competent in these domains.
Basically, if you cant run fast, then that is the limit of your fitness. If you cant do 10 pull-ups in a row, then pull-ups are the limit of your fitness. If you cant lift heavy weights, then strength is the limit of your fitness.
When you get up and read the WOD, pay attention to how it makes you feel and also to the way you approach the gym that day. Chances are if you are weak your going to hate heavy days and treat them with a defeated mentality. The same rule applies for running long distance if you hate 5k runs. I know that I have to dig extra deep on the 5k days in order to get a P.R. let alone just to get myself out to Columns drive.
What ever the reason for your lack of intensity with whatever workout troubles you, I ask you to re-frame your thought process. Don't allow intimidation or a self-defeating mindset hold you back. You need to attack the days you hate and suck at with more intensity than everything else you do in here. Find a goat and fix it. Get out there and increase your capacity.
What is your least favorite workout/exercise? Why? What are your new goals to become better in this domain?
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