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Monday, November 30, 2009

This is going to be our Hip Mobility warm-up. Study it, know it, love it!

Front Squat


We know it's short notice but we're going to raise money for Lumberjack Crossfit which lost 4 members and had 11 wounded in the Fort Hood attacks. Donations can be given at the gym and we'll be accepting them for the next 2 weeks.

The blog has been spotty at best, lately. In effort to improve the content of this site I'd like suggestions for what you guys want to see on the blog. It's fun hearing myself talk about what I think is important but it's ultimately about y'all out there. Do you want nutrition information, lifting advice or psychology? Let me know in comments and you'll probably see it up here.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Jeff leaving his mark on the gym.
Newest CF'r Mackenzie's hands after a run in with Cherry.

" Linda"
"Three Bars of Death"
2 1/2 x BW Deadlift
BW Bench Press
3/4 BW Cleans

Sorry about the inconsistency with the blog guys. Weekends always seem to be pretty hectic.

Sunday's class will be at 11.

Friday, November 27, 2009

For Quinn regular K2e are too easy... so he went Butt to Bar
Wade notched the top time on 400m of Lunges: 11:21.

20 Min. AMRAP of:
15 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings 55 lbs.
15 Knees to Elbows (K2E)

Once you've indulged yourself post-prandial napping and a taste for rock bottom discounts on consumer goods come on by. We'll have regular hours Saturday and Sunday. Bring any friends and families in too.
Lumberjack Crossfit lost 4 member and had 11 more injured. In honor of their fallen brothers and all others injured at the Fort Hood Attack they've requested that all affiliates join them in a WOD Saturday December 5th, they are also raising money for the families of those injured and killed. Check it out here. We'll be doing this WOD with them, come ready to run and go heavy on the 5th. Come ready to give it your all to honor them. Hero WOD's are different than normal WOD's. They call for a level of commitment and pain that we don't often ask for in a WOD. For these WOD's we're not only improving ourselves we're honoring them. Keep that in mind whenever you see "J.T.", "Murph" or "Tommy V." come up. Or Lumberjack 20.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Walking Lunges
400 meters

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thursday, we will be closed = HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!
Friday, we will be open 8,9,10am!

Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push press 3-3-3-3-3
Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

Monday, November 23, 2009

CFHQ-rest day

"Tabata (these)"

Box jump
(20 seconds work/10 seconds rest, 8 sets per exercise)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

21 Handstand Push Ups
400m Run
21 Weighted Pull Ups
15 Handstand Push Ups
400m Run
15 Weighted Pull Ups
9 Handstand Push Ups
400m Run
9 Weighted Pull Ups

Happy Birthday, Nate!!!

Sunday class will be at 11.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A few of CFSS's newest faces. Up top, Joanna, from R.J. Griffin. Down bleow, Kat and Susan, Jonathon's homies.


Take some time today to roll out and stretch after your deadlifts. We have had a rough last few cycles and I know you guys are sore and tight. It's easy for us to skip this important step in our fitness, because it is not as fun as doing "Angie" or "Fran". But, it is equally as important.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

CFHQ-rest day

CFSS-make up day
150 burpees for time

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


21-15-9 of:
135lb. Cleans
Ring Dips

Take a look at the above graph from Google. What it indicates is the growth of web searches for crossfit. What is interesting is that there is none of the usual peaks and valleys around holidays. Searches for Crossfit have gained steadily and consistently across the board. Does this indicate an approach to the mainstream? An affiliate box on every corner and Olympic bars in every bedroom?
Hardly, although as Crossfit grows we're seeing more "subject experts" on the main page. Dr. Nicholas Romanov the inventor of Chi and POSE running, giving POSE lectures to Crossfitters. Dr. Barry Sears lecturing to sold out auditoriums (and cyberspace full) of Crossfitters. The power lifting cert is now being done by Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell, arguable one of the strongest power lifters in the world and perhaps one of the best power lifting coaches in the world as well. What can we take from this?
I argue that crossfit has garnered more attention from these specialist but it's still nowhere near mainstream. It's important to remember that these guys have always been peripheral members of the mainstream fitness community. Simmons teaches box squats which are thought to be very dangerous but produce absolutely phenomenal results in the squat. Romanov, despite his olympic coaching pedigree, has tried for years to convince the world of distance runners that running is a skill and you can be taught to do it correctly. Perhaps the most vilified of these was Sears, who along with Atkins challenged the USDA food pyramid and pointed out that all those carbs they recommend have been directly linked to hyperinsulinemia: the so-called deadly quartet of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and bad triglycerides. Crossfit when it first came out, and to some extent today, has also been vilified pushed to the outside of mainstream fitness. Like attracts like I suppose.
-Paul Siegel

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


21-15-9 reps of:
95lbs. Thruster

Monday, November 16, 2009

100 Pullups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats
*Our records are for completing all the the pullups, than pushups, etc. However CFHQ has nothing to say on the topic, so we say break it up how you like. To qualify for the record board however all reps must be completed in one exercise before moving on.
The Five things I wish I'd had when I started Crossfit
  1. A jump rope. I like the ultra speed cable rope, but it seems that everyone has one rope they prefer. If you ask someone to move from that special rope it can throw off their whole workout. Jump ropes are relatively cheap, take up very little space and you will always have the one you like.
  2. Chuck Taylors. I was lucky enough to be able to afford Olympic lifting shoes when I started. I had these because I came into Crossfit through a Starting Strength cycle. I was doing heavy lifting and long slow distance rowing at the time and didn't really have a need for running shoes. Now that I have a need I try and use racing flats or Chuck Taylors. they have improved my running some (and the Siegels are not good runners) and they are very versatile for everything else we do in here. Chace and Nate will rarely workout in anything else. I don't think Jonathan owns a pair of traditional running shoes. They are the next best thing besides bare foot. You have to re-learn how to run in them but you become much more efficient at running. Seriously, go buy some. Today. Marshalls' has 'em cheap for like $25
  3. A subscription to The Crossfit Journal. It's $25 for a year of some of the best most informative videos, articles and interviews your ever going to find. If you've never checked it out and you have chugged the Kool-aid you really don't know what you're missing. If you decide to do your level 1 you'll get a free year subscription. This is not just for trainers or diehards, everyone can benefit by checking it out.
  4. Dialed in Nutrition. I had always discounted the importance of nutrition, and made half hearted attempts at going Paleo. Paleo in college is hard, from Dining Halls that had little to support that lifestyle to the Friday and Saturday night liquid carb intake it was very hard to go Paleo in college. I admire any who could have done it and really stuck with it. Now that I have had the chance to really go Primal (Paleo with dairy) I've seen fantastic returns. If you've not dialed in your diet your missing a huge part of the program. Pleasing aesthetics or great performance are 80% diet and 20% working out. You can't out work consisently poor diet.
  5. A Good Affliate. The place where I started Crossfit was very different from here. I did one named workout the entire time I went there, most metcons I encountered were "Map and Flash light" (think Filthy Fifty but longer and more complex.) Coaching was very sparse unless it was a kettle bell day. I taught myself to kip, and most of the other crossfit movements I had to perfect on my own. A good community, trainers who care about your success and your safety are paramount to enjoying yourself and seeing the most from this program.

Post to comments what you'd have liked to understood or had when you started crossfit.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Roger and Curtis after "Tailpipe"
Jonathan pressing it out

5 rounds for time of:
800m Run
70 lbs. Kettlebell Swing 30 reps
Pull ups 30 reps

DROM stands for Dynamic Range of Motion. Especially when you see it in a warm-up what we're asking you to do is move your body through a certain range of motion to gradually warm up the joints and bodies. It is a much gentler way to warm up than static stretching. Static stretching has come under fire for sapping peak power form muscles as well as not preparing an athlete adequately for intense compound movement, DROM has been used as a better alternate warm-up. Generally we'll write up a mono structural aerobic movement (Row, Run, Jump rope) and then DROM following it as well skills work for the WOD. Notice we still ask you to warm up before jumping straight into DROM, this is because warm muscles respond much better to movement than cold, it's always better to get the blood moving a little faster before attempting anything athletic, even static stretching or foam rolling. Since it's dynamic you should build up a little sweat and get your heart rate elevated when you do it.
-Paul Siegel

there will be no class on sunday

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jeffrey slow dancing with 80lbs.

Vilas displaying the ever popular CrossFit Olympic lift shoe (Chuck Taylor)

Chuck T's are not just a bold fashion statement; They act as an olympic lifting shoe in providing a solid foundation to push from. Ideal would be an official olympic lift shoe with an extremely hard sole but these can be expensive. Chuck Taylors are an excellant alternative in that they provide a solid sole to push from for about $29.95. If ya aint got em, go and get some. Marshalls has them for a good price.
The Clean and Jerk is an outstanding feat in athleticism BUT takes about a 1/2 hour to drill it until yall get it right SO show up a little early today and yo warmup on so we can smoke through it.
Clean & Jerk

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Joanna, working through Day One of the On ramp.
The proper position post-WOD as demonstrated by Georgia. Fetal allows maximum recover as quickly as possible.

Izzy's awesome Pumpkin.

Make Up Day
" Sucking Tailpipe"
With a partner:
50 box jumps
5 rounds
500m row
80 /55 lbs. Dumbbell Hold
50 Box Jumps
N.B.: Box jumps are split between the two partners. For the couplet while one partner is rowing the other holds the dumbbell in the front rack position.
"The Crossfit Mindset"
1. I will promise to do my best. My best will vary from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. But in that minute, I will do the very best I can.
2.If I can run, I run. If I can walk, I walk. If I must crawl, I crawl. And when I make it, I will rest. And live to fight another day.
3. I fear no man, but I fear my workout. If I don't fear my workout, it isn't hard enough.
4. I may puke. I may cry. But I will not quit. Ever.
Just a little checklist of truths, thanks to Crossfit Watertown for suggesting these. This is the edited version, to check out a longer version look here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

E-Z Earl rockin "Day 1"

Attention female fire breathers, Noah has graduated from CFSS onramp!

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
(20 min AMRAP)


5 handstand pushups
10 pistol squats
15 pullups
(20 min AMRAP)

Monday, November 9, 2009

We always get pictures of Kodi swinging the kettlebells around. Here she is rocking the 1 pood.
R to L Marisol, Kodi, Diego

Clay gets bonus points for running with his child...during the WOD!

A busy Saturday class sharing boxes. They don't run with scissors either. R to L Clay, Diego, Jeff, Vilas, Kodi and Marisol

5K Run

Go down to Columns Dr. and run there


Try our new 5k Course:

Run Down Roswell Road
to the 1st entrance to Publix at
Roswell Road and Abernathy (in this picture it's even with the building)


Run the 1k course around Carpenter Drive 5 times.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The 400m. loop. Follow the red and green lines.

Thom is one our new crossfitters working through the On-Ramp, say "Hi!" if you get a chance!


Rest Day


400m run

21 Box Jumps 20"

18 Sit-ups

15 KB Swings 55/40 lbs

Did you know there are two types of kettlebells swings? There's the American Swing which we commonly practice in Crossfit. You drop into a quarter squat explode into full overhead. you should be able to see the ears in front of the arm's at the top position. The second swing is a Russian swing, this is culled much more from the posterior chain. You hinge at the hip, flex your knees slightly and explode from there. The russian swing only goes to eye level. Kettlebell movements are something we really haven't done a lot of in here, even though there a lot of fun! Kettlebells have come down a long way in price, yet they are still not as economical feasible as dumbbells for most people and gyms.

There is a whole world of Giveroy Sport out there for people to explore, with fun unique movements. This is a video of a timed KB snatch competition, it's kinda like watching paint dry, but then you realize those guys are swinging 72 lbs around like nothing for 150+ reps.

-Paul Siegel

Sunday is at 11.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Jarrett!
As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes of:
65 lbs. Power Snatches, 12 Reps
10 Push ups
For a completely unrelated note, but excellent blog on Hero workouts take a look at this post.
Today's workout included Power Snatches. A "power" variation of any movement is essentially an incomplete version of the full thing. By incomplete I mean that you don't do the full thing. In a power snatch or clean, you land above parallel but with bent knees. Many people find the power movements to be easier because they are less reliant on technique and more responsive to strength. What I mean by this is that some people find it easier to "muscle" a power snatch up than to do the full thing. I know I do. However this is a fallacy, better mechanics in the full snatch will translate to a better power snatch. The opposite is not true. It will however increase strength in certian areas for the full snatch.
That's all I really got for today, as I've been out sick since Monday. Hope everyone has had a good week. See y'all tomorrow if I don't see you today.
-Paul Siegel

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wade, Becky, Vilas and David killin the pullup ladder this am

New Fitter Bart doing his first "Total" hitting = 9..0..5?!!? What?

Nate and Jonathan at last weekends CrossFit 2 cert with 2009 CrossFit Games winner Tanya Wagner.
Pullup ladder

-After burner-
run 200 meters
10 burpees
(4 rds)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rob and Jen getting after some wallball shots.
Sheri working on her new commitment to 5 days a week CrossFit.

Our resident Canadian making box jumps look easy. Awesome job Kodi.
Backsquat, 1 rep.
Shoulder Press, 1 rep.
Deadlift, 1 rep.
A quick discussion about heavy days. Ask yourself a couple of questions. First, what are your favorite workouts, the one's you push yourself the hardest on? Second, What are your least favorite workouts, the one's you don't push your limits on? Now ask yourself why should you approach these workouts with a different intensity?
Here is a quick answer for the last one, YOU SHOULDN'T!
" We are only as fit as limits of our abilities"- Greg Glassman
(May not be an exact quote)
In CrossFit there are 10 general skills of physical fitness. They are: Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. We are only as fit as we are competent in these domains.
Basically, if you cant run fast, then that is the limit of your fitness. If you cant do 10 pull-ups in a row, then pull-ups are the limit of your fitness. If you cant lift heavy weights, then strength is the limit of your fitness.
When you get up and read the WOD, pay attention to how it makes you feel and also to the way you approach the gym that day. Chances are if you are weak your going to hate heavy days and treat them with a defeated mentality. The same rule applies for running long distance if you hate 5k runs. I know that I have to dig extra deep on the 5k days in order to get a P.R. let alone just to get myself out to Columns drive.
What ever the reason for your lack of intensity with whatever workout troubles you, I ask you to re-frame your thought process. Don't allow intimidation or a self-defeating mindset hold you back. You need to attack the days you hate and suck at with more intensity than everything else you do in here. Find a goat and fix it. Get out there and increase your capacity.
What is your least favorite workout/exercise? Why? What are your new goals to become better in this domain?
Post to comments.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Krissi and Georgia rockin the snatch workout!

Nate doing "FatNate"

"The Limbirds" and friends did a fantastic job on "Day 1" yesterday! From left to right, Russ, Lauren, Susan, Kat, Jonathan, Anne and Jenn. Jonathan and Nate have been fortunate in spreading their passion for CrossFit to their families and getting them in here to train. This is HUGE in the grand scheme; it's all about making a difference in the life of others! CrossFit is a phenominal tool to keep your family and friends healthy and happy.

"Brisk stroll"
15 wall ball shots, 20lbs./14lbs.
100 meters farmer walk,70lbs./50lbs.
20 box jumps, 20 inch box
15 deadlifts,225lbs./155lbs.
(3 rounds)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Nate and Jonathon made a trip down to Decatur CrossFit to take part in the the lvl. 2 cert. Here there hanging with Chris Spealer and Chuck " The Most Powerful Man in the World" Carswell.
Vilas Working through some serious squats on Saturday.
One of our newest badasses, Stacy fighting through the Saturday WOD.

5 Rounds for time of:
95lb. Snatch, 3 reps.
95lb. Overhead Squat, 3 reps.
400m. Run