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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jeffrey slow dancing with 80lbs.

Vilas displaying the ever popular CrossFit Olympic lift shoe (Chuck Taylor)

Chuck T's are not just a bold fashion statement; They act as an olympic lifting shoe in providing a solid foundation to push from. Ideal would be an official olympic lift shoe with an extremely hard sole but these can be expensive. Chuck Taylors are an excellant alternative in that they provide a solid sole to push from for about $29.95. If ya aint got em, go and get some. Marshalls has them for a good price.
The Clean and Jerk is an outstanding feat in athleticism BUT takes about a 1/2 hour to drill it until yall get it right SO show up a little early today and yo warmup on so we can smoke through it.
Clean & Jerk


  1. $29.95??? Really? Where?? I paid too much for mine

  2. Marshalls, you get urs at Saks Vilas?

  3. well, just found out I have a torn labrum in my right shoulder. Treatment is PT and cortizone shot for now, and out of the gym. I am so upset about this!

  4. I think Vilas is in the running to be gym model.

    11/11 WOD
    25 Box Jumps
    5x(500m Row, 80# DB Hold)
    25 Box Jumps
