Take some time today to roll out and stretch after your deadlifts. We have had a rough last few cycles and I know you guys are sore and tight. It's easy for us to skip this important step in our fitness, because it is not as fun as doing "Angie" or "Fran". But, it is equally as important.
Ice and Ibuprofen...I'm not a spring chicken anymore. Ya'll be careful with the DL's today - pulled the S$*# out of my back this morning.
ReplyDeleteIt's starting to feel a little better - hopefully I won't be out of commission too long.
i read the caption under the photo for todays pics. it said,".... johnathon's homies." is it really spelled johnathOn?? are we trying to raise awareness for john thru a thon?
ReplyDeleteIt's actually normally Jonathan, but I am trying to raise awareness. Support the plight of Jonathans everywhere by making a donation to:
1886 Vanderlyn Dr.
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Please make checks payable to Jonathan Limbird, however. Cash is preferable.
Press 125x3x2,125x3(f-2),125x3(f-2)
AMRAP 95# - 12 reps
Progress is starting to slow, but got more reps at 95.
HSPU 2 AbMats - 4,3,2 reps
Frog Stand - 25s, 23s
Deadlift - 285x3
Back was rounding pretty bad. Need to find something to assist that. Dropped to 255x3, back was good on the first but still rounding on the second and third, dropped to 185 for several. Not sure what to do about this.
Today (Saturday)
Pistols 3x4 on 10" box, right knee started to feel a lil too much tension
Heavily MOD'ed WOD 11/14
5 Push Jerk, 115#
10 Tuck Pull Ups