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Monday, November 16, 2009

100 Pullups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats
*Our records are for completing all the the pullups, than pushups, etc. However CFHQ has nothing to say on the topic, so we say break it up how you like. To qualify for the record board however all reps must be completed in one exercise before moving on.
The Five things I wish I'd had when I started Crossfit
  1. A jump rope. I like the ultra speed cable rope, but it seems that everyone has one rope they prefer. If you ask someone to move from that special rope it can throw off their whole workout. Jump ropes are relatively cheap, take up very little space and you will always have the one you like.
  2. Chuck Taylors. I was lucky enough to be able to afford Olympic lifting shoes when I started. I had these because I came into Crossfit through a Starting Strength cycle. I was doing heavy lifting and long slow distance rowing at the time and didn't really have a need for running shoes. Now that I have a need I try and use racing flats or Chuck Taylors. they have improved my running some (and the Siegels are not good runners) and they are very versatile for everything else we do in here. Chace and Nate will rarely workout in anything else. I don't think Jonathan owns a pair of traditional running shoes. They are the next best thing besides bare foot. You have to re-learn how to run in them but you become much more efficient at running. Seriously, go buy some. Today. Marshalls' has 'em cheap for like $25
  3. A subscription to The Crossfit Journal. It's $25 for a year of some of the best most informative videos, articles and interviews your ever going to find. If you've never checked it out and you have chugged the Kool-aid you really don't know what you're missing. If you decide to do your level 1 you'll get a free year subscription. This is not just for trainers or diehards, everyone can benefit by checking it out.
  4. Dialed in Nutrition. I had always discounted the importance of nutrition, and made half hearted attempts at going Paleo. Paleo in college is hard, from Dining Halls that had little to support that lifestyle to the Friday and Saturday night liquid carb intake it was very hard to go Paleo in college. I admire any who could have done it and really stuck with it. Now that I have had the chance to really go Primal (Paleo with dairy) I've seen fantastic returns. If you've not dialed in your diet your missing a huge part of the program. Pleasing aesthetics or great performance are 80% diet and 20% working out. You can't out work consisently poor diet.
  5. A Good Affliate. The place where I started Crossfit was very different from here. I did one named workout the entire time I went there, most metcons I encountered were "Map and Flash light" (think Filthy Fifty but longer and more complex.) Coaching was very sparse unless it was a kettle bell day. I taught myself to kip, and most of the other crossfit movements I had to perfect on my own. A good community, trainers who care about your success and your safety are paramount to enjoying yourself and seeing the most from this program.

Post to comments what you'd have liked to understood or had when you started crossfit.


  1. I think this sums up my experiences:
    Click here

  2. Vilas, where did you find that?

    Cindy RX- 10 rounds PR (A.S.)

    I've divided my PR's into before and after my surgery. I broke my knee on 2/1/09 and am only know starting to get back into the swing of things. I'm trying not to compare my times from now to before. It's a journey and this is where I'm at right now.

  3. haha well I made it myself..the point gets delivered better in picture form. Like your blogging skills

  4. nate, alias (Rhinestone Cowboy)November 16, 2009 at 1:59 PM

    "Cindy" 24 rounds

  5. oh and i though Chuck was the rhinestone cowboy..LOL

  6. Vilas! Love the Cartoon! That is hilarious!

  7. Holy Crap Nate that is amazing! I finally got up to 20 rds and I think....I am over cindy now!!

    Miss you guys,

  8. Vilas - love the cartoon. That first one sums it up for me too, except can you add an I.V. line going in the arm too???...Hilarious man.

    Well, I'm BACK! Wow forgot just how hard crossfit is! Whew.
