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Friday, April 30, 2010

Blaise hitting "McGhee", 12 rounds

Jason and Chris rocked "Cherry" in sub 12.

3 rounds for time of:
135/95 lbs. Hang Power Clean, 15 reps
Burpees 15 reps

Sometimes it's hard enough during a workout just to finish. And then we ask you to fix your movement with simple cues. Occasionally in some technical challenging workouts we'll give you multiple cues in the course of a workout.  The key here is to think about only the cue were are giving you at that exact moment and no more. Often times we'll see people get too many cues they're thinking about coming in and they'll shut down, become discouraged and ultimately perform worse.  The middle of a workout is not the time to think too deeply about what your doing. Listen to what we're saying, fix it and then don't think about it again.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Go Karin!

Carl, Marcus and Alicia on Mondays leg crusher.

5 rounds for load and time of
Back Squat, 3 reps
20 Ring Dips

We have another Date for y'all to put on your Calender: Saturday May 15th  at 11 a.m. we are planning on having a Family Fun Day/Workout.  We'll have a fun workout that kids and their mama/daddy can do together.  

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CFHQ Rest Day
Makr Up Day
7 Rounds of:
100m. Sprint
12 Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps

We're moving the day hike from Saturday to Sunday, there's a chance at better weather and it's a rest day so the gym will be closed.  I'm still planning on leaving CFSS at 8 a.m. and being back by 6 p.m. I recognize it short notice, but let me know if you're interested in going.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Clean one rep on the minute every minute for 15 minutes.
Score is highest and lowest weight.

Notice the speed under the bar from  Matthias Steiner.  The bar does not raise that high, but it doesn't have to.  It is not how high you pull the bar but how quickly you get underneath it that dictates how much weight you can lift.

5 things to make your summer more "Crossfit":

5. Mix chopped up bacon into your hamburgers. I like to use 4-6 slices of bacon per pound of hamburger. Throw the bacon in a food processor, pulse for a few second and then throw in the hamburger. Form into patties of preferred size and shape.Trust me this is incredible.

4. Go for a hike, or a walk around the block, or a run, or a bike ride. Use that new found fitness to go further and see more than you've ever been able. We have a hike coming up ( The day of the hike may be changing due to weather) this weekend.

3. Try a push lawn mower.  Using a push lawn mower is much more ecological sensible, it self fertilizes your lawn and the upkeep is significantly less than a gas mower.  Plus the slight resistance helps you recover from strenuous workouts that much faster.

2. Grab some Vitamin D.  Get some sun but not too much, approximately 30 minutes a day is highly recommended. Especially if you work inside. Vitamin D is shown to have a positive influence in almost all health markers. It will make you a happier, healthier, stronger person.  For more info go here.

1. Take some rest time and enjoy the weather.  People often get so rapt up in life and its various entanglements that they often forget to take time and enjoy whatever it is you enjoy. Whether that's sipping a G and T on the porch or going out for a quick 8 to 10 mile hike, do something you enjoy.

Monday, April 26, 2010

3 rounds for time of:
100' Walking Lunges
50 Squats
25 Hip Extensions

I'm a bit of a strength weenie and this video is just makes extraordinary  To have such an unparalleled level of strength at such a young age can only bring up suggestions of Olympics, world championship and maybe a new hope for US weightlifting. Some people would consider it strange  (or even disheartening) to watch someone at a such a high level, in that there is no connection between what he does and where we are.
Maybe it is a little strange that I am enthused by this.  In my defense these sort of videos only point to what is possible for a human to achieve with proper conditioning and coaching, not exactly Crossfit, but something in the same vein. I would think that if this young man can squat 706 lbs. 5 times than maybe I can put a few more pounds on my squat, I can dare to be better, I can push myself to do better.  Do you guys like see these videos? What do you think of this video?
-Paul Siegel

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Welcome home Ryan and Kristen, CFSS's first family members.

CFHQ Rest Day
Make Up Day
Push Press
with Afterburner!

Warrior Dash Sign up info:

Welcome to America's most insane race! Warrior Dash lands in the Southeast for the first time in 2010 where 11 obstacles from hell await on this 3.22 mile course Are you a warrior? SIGN UP NOW!

Friday April 30, 2010
You will be unable to modify any participant registration information after 3:00 p.m. (CST) on Friday April 30, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010
Registration will close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) on Monday May 10, 2010. Absolutely NO registration will be accepted after this time.

For  more info go here.

Let everyone know in comments who's doing the warrior dash so you guys can carpool, co-ordinate costumes and revel in bad-assery.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Want to extend a big Welcome to our newest CrossFitter, Murcus. 6:51 on Cherry yesterday!
Four rounds of:
500m row
3 minutes rest
Score is 500m split in each round.

Next Saturday May 1st I'm planning on taking a day hike out in North Georgia.  weather is nice and its not too hot this is probably the best time to poke around the woods.  Right now I'm thinking around 8-10 miles with some good elevation change. Fort Mountain State Park is supposed to be nice, but there are some hikes in the Cohutta's that are doable in a day, details will be decided by the time we leave. We'll leave at 8 a.m. from CFSS and try and be back by around 7 p.m., later if we get dinner out there. 

Before I got into Crossfit, I lead trips in high school and college and taught backpacking at both levels, just to put some qualifications out there. If anyone is interested in going, or have any suggestion with where you'd like to go, post to comments here or send me an email at pasiegel1 (at) comcast (dot) net. 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

30 minute AMRAP of:
275 lb. Deadlift, 5 reps
Pushup, 13 reps
24" Box Jump, 9 reps

Corporal Ryan C. McGhee, 21, was killed in action on May 13, 2009 by small arms fire during combat in central Iraq. He served with 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment of Fort Benning, Ga. This was his fourth deployment, his first to Iraq. Ryan was engaged to Ashleigh Mitchell of Fredericksburg, VA. He is survived by his father Steven McGhee of Myrtle Beach S.C., his mother Sherrie Battle McGhee, and his brother Zachary.

We are currently in the middle of switching to a contract system instead of month to month billing.

12 month commitment
Unlimited    $125.00
Twice a Week $95.00

6 month commitment 
Unlimited $150.00
Twice a Week $115.00

Month to Month
Unlimited $175.00
Twice a Week $135.00

Military/Student Discount - 15% off
Couples Discount- 15% off

If you have any question about billing or rates please email Nate.

Family Dinner tonight at 7:15 p.m. Teela Taqueria.  

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Karin cranking out the Pullups
"Filthy Fifty"
Once through for time of:
50 Box Jump 24"
50 Jumping Pullup
50 Kettlebell Swings 35 lbs.
50 Walking Lunge
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press 45 lbs
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallball Shots 20 lbs.
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders

Todays discussion post comes from Catalyst Althetic and Crossfit (not to be confused with Catalyst Athletics). And address the difference between what some of you did before Crossfit and what you're doing now. And why what you're doing now is better for you. I've posted stuff like this before, but this a good one. So take some time to read it.

"CrossFit doesn't look like your workout.  No, it doesn't.
There are no '3 Sets of 8.'  Not a single 'triceps kickback' to be found.  And while we have lots of novel exercises to 'work your core' and 'improve your stability,' we prefer to teach you to move better in your own skin than stand you on a blue-pimple novelty and watch you quiver.
We make big claims: that we create an elite level of fitness.  That we get you places you've never, ever, ever been before.  That their workout is our warmup.  To back those claims up, we have to do movements that are efficient, challenging, and get you far more bang for your buck than a selectorized machine ever could.
A clean and jerk, for instance: once a staple of the workout crowd, and a fundamental lift for improving your grocery-carrying and storage, is banned from nearly every 'fitness club.'  For all the wrong reasons, too: it requires coaching, chalk, and the occasional drop of a barbell from overhead.  Knowledge plus cleanup plus noise?  Not an option if your teenage 'personal trainers' have to learn it all in a two-day course.
But a clean and jerk is a big lift, requiring a lot of energy.  From a purely mathematical standpoint, it's four times as challenging as a bench press.  If it seems scary, it's only because you haven't seen it around much - or have you?  Lifting your bike onto your roof racks - that's a clean and jerk.  Storing your Christmas lights on the top shelf - that's a clean and jerk.  Doing it in the gym first just makes you break fewer bulbs.  And fewer backs.
That's right: contrary, maybe, to what you've been told, this stuff prevents injuries.  The strongest, safest backs in the world belong to powerlifters, NOT bed-resters.  Knee injuries are typically the result of misuse, imbalanced use (the knee extension machine, anyone?) or non-use.  Deadlifts don't hurt your back - given the right chance, they'll save it.  Ask around: chiropractors, physiotherapists, and doctors send patients to us.  We modify our methods for the injured, yes.  But they're on the same road as our competitive CrossFitters, albeit a different starting line.
We choose to exercise in stark boxes.  While exercisers from the 1920s,1930s,1940s, and 1950s would feel right at home, the modern machine-indoctrinated fitness pursuer will struggle to comprehend our methods.  At least, at first. Slowly, they'll recognize little glimmers of sameness.  "Hey, I did that as a kid!"  "We do squats at my gym...but we don't go that low."  "I've seen this on TV, but I never thought I could do it...."
Our workouts are short, but tough.  But you'll want more.  After a month, you'll find yourself checking our website on a daily basis, and joke about 'drinking the Kool-Aid.'  After three months, you'll start breaking your own personal bests and bringing your friends.  We've grown because CrossFit is amazing, not because we have a special limited-time offer on our membership.
Now, there's no denying that for most people, once they've been immersed in CrossFit, they can't ever go back to average.  It tattoos you.  And once you've offered up your fresh, pink skin to the prick of the needle, its mark is indelible.  You can't undo CrossFit; once you've been painted, you can't go back to beige.
There's joy in sweat.  There's family in common discomfort.  There's a chemical addiction that comes from challenging yourself this way.  There's pleasure in learning new stuff every single time you're in the gym.  That's what CrossFit is: sweat+community+knowledge.  Call it what you like."
If you made it through all that I'd like to hear your thoughts.  For those of you drinking the Kool-aid (and I like to think all of you are) : What made you stick with it? Can you pinpoint a specific moment or was it a gradual change?  
-Paul Siegel

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Krissi swinging the big 55 lb. Kettlebell on Saturday

Once through for time of:
800m run
400m run backwards
800m run
400m run backwards

We'd like to Congratulate Nikki on finish the on-ramp and do very well on her re-Cherry. Actually "very well" doesn't quite do justice to the improvement she's made.  When she first came to us (only a short time ago) she only completed 1.5 rounds on her first Cherry.  She threw out her cigarettes before she left that first day, and committed herself to change.  Today she completed the full 4 rounds of Cherry in 10:42.  That is an exponential increase in performance and dedication.  Afterwards she was talking about doing a crossfit competition "in the next 12 months", but hopefully we'll get her out there sooner than that. 

Nikki, we're very happy to have you on board and can't wait to see what you'll do in the coming months.

I know a few of you are doing the Warrior dash but  figured I'd post of some information so anyone else interested would have a chance to sign up. Note that the deadline is in 20 days:

Welcome to America's most insane race! Warrior Dash lands in the Southeast for the first time in 2010 where 11 obstacles from hell await on this 3.22 mile course Are you a warrior? SIGN UP NOW!

Friday April 30, 2010
You will be unable to modify any participant registration information after 3:00 p.m. (CST) on Friday April 30, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010
Registration will close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) on Monday May 10, 2010. Absolutely NO registration will be accepted after this time.

For  more info go here.

Let everyone know in comments who's doing the warrior dash so you guys can carpool, co-ordinate costumes and revel in bad-assery.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nate and Russ finishing up the second WOD with Karin and Krissi right behind them. 

Snatch Balance

Our affiliate team had a fantastic showing Saturday afternoon out in Woodstock. They placed 7th of 24 teams.  They did extraordinarily well against some pretty steep competition and only just missed making it to the 3rd round.  

It was pretty extraordinary to see the diversity of teams competing, there was literally every single stage of crossfitter from beginner to firebreather represented in both sexes and of any age. This just proves to me that anyone can compete and enjoy themselves.  

What I'd like to hear is if y'all are doing any competitions in the coming months. Be they little informal things or major national  events, we'd like to hear about them.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Welcome to Jeremy, nice job on day 3 of the On-Ramp.
5 rounds for time of:
135 lb. Back Squat, 20 reps
Handstand Walk 20 yards.

The Gym will be open today!

Good Luck to Russ, Nate, Karin and Krissi at the Affiliate Games today! If you get a chance swing on out to Woodstock and wish 'em good luck. Or leave some love on here. Directions can be found on yesterday's post.

There will be no class on Sunday.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Welcome Teri, were so excited to have you here.
Once through for time for teams of 4:
200 Burpees
200 Wallball 20#/14#
200 Pullups
200 Double Unders
4-400m Runs
200 Thrusters 95#/65#

Only 2 people working at any one time. You can split the reps unequally but every person must complete some of the reps for each exercise, you can't have only two people do all the double unders. You must complete all the reps of one exercise before moving on to the next.  For teams of less than four each person is equal to 50 reps.  So for a team of three it would 150 reps of each exercises and 3 400m runs.

This Saturday at 9 a.m. Nate, Russ, Karin and Krissi will be taking part in the Affiliate challenge at The Garage. Come on out to cheer them on and hang out for the afternoon. First workout kicks off at 9 a.m. second workout is at 12 p.m. and then Finals is at 3 p.m. Drinks and festivities afterwards.  Directions can be found here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

5 rounds for time of:
155 lb. Deadlift 12 reps
155 lbs. Hang Power Clean 9 Reps
155 lb. Push Jerk 6 reps

Final (Final) Summation of the Gut Check Challenge
Contest winner 6 months and under
1st- Kierstan
Contest winner 6 months and over
Jeff had the most improved Helen time dropping 3 minutes from his first time.
Carol lost the most body fat with 5.7%

Thom and Lindsey also deserve commendation for very impressive performance increases across the board.  We'd like to commend everyone for showing improvements, if you didn't get singled out on here go ahead and post your scores up to comments.  It's alright to brag!

Family Dinner is tonight at Teela Taqueria at 7:15 p.m.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Once through for time:
500m Row
150 Double Unders
50 Burpees

This Saturday at 9 a.m. Nate, Russ, Karin and Krissi will be taking part in the Affiliate challenge at The Garage. Come on out to cheer them on and hang out for the afternoon with some other Crossfitters.  Directions can be found here.

Family Dinner is tomorrow night at Teela Taqueria at 7:15 p.m.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Overhead Squats

The one tip for overhead squats is active shoulders.  As soon as you take the bar out of the rack and lock it out overhead your shoulders should be in your ears (or as close as possible).  This active shrug up is what allows the muscle to stabilize the bar rather than having it rest on the shoulder joint. If things start to get a little wonky, push up on the bar and get those shoulders active.

Y'all may have noticed our new and improved warm-ups. Since the majority of warm-ups will be group warmups please make an effort to come on time (or a little early if possible) classes will start no less then 5 minutes after the hour. Also be aware that if you come late, you'll have to work quickly and efficiently to catch up to the group.
-Paul Siegel

Monday, April 12, 2010

CFHQ Rest Day

5x1 Deadlift at 95-100% of 1RM deadlift
with Afterburner!

We often get asked  how we feel about protein powder.   We are in no way against protein powder, we would however prefer that you get the majority of your protein from an animal based source.  It's not really protein unless it's had a face.  That being said sometime meat is simple not available or impractical.  In that case you can use protein powder as a protein source.  It is not something we would recommend doing on a regular basis however.  The other good use for protein powder is if your simple not getting enough protein for your goals.  You'll see various amounts recommend (the most common being around 1 gram/ lb of bodyweight for strength athletes and 1 gram/ lb of lean bodyweight for everyone else) and that will also be based on personal needs and preferences.
When choosing your protein try and choose that with the least additives and adulteration. Try and avoid soy and other exotic isolates.  Most of this will be filler with little to no nutritional value.  Also if possible try to get a small sample before buying 10 pounds.  Speaking personally "Vanilla berry explosion" Can get a little old, especially when you have 8 pounds left.  If you've got some experience with protein powders or other questions go ahead and post to comments.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Run 1600m
rest 3 minutes
Run 1200m
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800m
Rest 1 minute
Run 400m

We were very glad to see how many of you expressed interest in competiting. It takes a great amount of courage to go workout in front of a large group, and there is always  a certain amount of trepidation to commit to these things. But some of y'all didn't think about that and threw your hat into the ring, for that you deserve commendation. Unfortunately we've not be able to (yet) secure a place for this upcoming competition.  Rest assured we will be more diligent in the future with this sort of thing. 

That being said the Dirty South Regional Qualifiers are being held in Jacksonville, FL May 28-30. Hotels are relatively cheap for now but it is Memorial Day weekend so that may change. Tickets to the Qualifier are only $50 for two spectators. Would any of y'all be interested in heading down?

Here's the info from their website:
The 2010 CrossFit Games South East Regional Qualifier, in Jacksonville Florida on Memorial Day weekend!

The Dirty South Regional Qualifier - a demanding 2 1/2 day fitness test designed to find the four fittest men, women, affiliate teams and masters competitors to represent Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina in Aromas, California at the CrossFit Games Final. Did I fail to mention that our event would be held the last weekend of May in Florida, expect weather conditions to be spicy!

-Paul Siegel

Sunday class will be at 11:00am

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tabata Something Else
Tabata protocol of 20 Seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest done 8 times for the following exercises:
There is no rest between exercises.
Where are you getting your dietary fat from? Mark Sisson from Mark Daily's Apple suggest you might want to watch how many tree nuts you take in. 
"As regular readers know, I love my macadamias, and I do a small handful of nuts or nut butter equivalent a few times a week. They’re powerhouses of protein, fat and minerals, B-vitamins and the like. As I discussed in a post some weeks ago, some nuts do contain a fair amount of omega-6. Although I don’t think it’s reason to avoid nuts, it’s enough to suggest the concept of moderation and a mind to overall omega-6/omega-3 ratio. If you have no sensitivities to nuts and avoid chemically treated/high heat roasted or oiled nuts, I think you can generally base your intake on the omega-6 content of the specific nut variety you enjoy. For most nuts, a small handful a day is fine. However, if you have a penchant for pine nuts or walnuts – or if you’re eating more than a couple large fistfuls of most other nuts each day – you might want to scale back. Macadamias are by far the best because they have the highest saturated and mono-unsaturated fat content with relatively low O-6"
-Paul Siegel

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Partner WOD!
3 rounds for time of:
500m Row
WOD is scored by number of Burpees performed. While one team member is rowing the other is performing Burpees. 

In case y'all missed it we're trying to put together some teams for the Affiliate Workout at The Garage: A Crossfit Gym in Woodstock.  It'll be three workouts on April 17th.  Please let us know today or tomorrow whether you would like to enter the competition or not.  While the workouts are hard, they are  very doable.  There are scalings available for any level of Crossfitter.

The workouts are:
Workout #1
Chipper Style, In order, work to be split equally between male/female, but you can split it unequally between the two men, and the two women; only one male and one female working at a time.

200 Burpees
200 Wall Balls (20#/12#)
200 Pull-Ups
200 Double Unders
4 - 400 M Runs
200 Thrusters (95#/65#)

Workout #2
Any Order, ANY split, so men can do the lower weights as well, one male, one female working at a time. ANY ORDER. ANY ORDER.
100 - 95# overhead anyhow
100 - 65# overhead anyhow
200M - Overhead Walking Lunge Step with 45# plate
200M - Overhead Walking Lunge Step with 25# plate
100 - 225# Dead-lift
100 - 135# Dead-lift
100 - 1.5 Pood KB Swing
100 - 1 Pood KB Swing

Workout #3
Top Six Teams Only
Any order, any split. One male and one female working at a time.

2 Mile Run (using our 800M loop)
200 Sit-Ups
200 Pull-Ups
200 Ring Dips

15 Muscle Ups

Join us for CFSS Family Dinner at Teela Tacqueria tonight at 7:15 p.m.
-Paul Siegel

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Split Jerk

The split jerk is usually done as the second part of a clean and jerk as seen above.  Much of the principles that hold true in the clean hold true in the split jerk. You want to be quick under the bar, essentially trying to beat gravity.  After the dip drive the bar is essentially weightless, your aim should be to be under the bar in a strong position before it starts to fall. From this all you do is stand up.

Another point to think about is that you want to be locked out at the same time you land in the bottom.  Any sort of press after you've landed in the split is technically a miss in competition. We won't be that strict, but don't do it.

We're putting together an Affiliate team for The Garage: A Crossfit Gym Affiliate Team competition on April 17. For more info on the event check out the announcement here.  We need teams of 4 and can have more than one team entered.  There are no requirements for skills or abilities to be on a team, anyone can be on a team.  This is all about having fun, meeting some other crossfitters and maybe get a workout in. If you are interested in getting on a team, leave a response here, email Nate or talk to any of us. 

Join us for CFSS Family Dinner at Teela Tacqueria Tomorrow Night at 7:15 p.m.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

7 rounds for time of:
185 lb. Front Squat 3 reps
7 L-Pullups

We're putting together an Affiliate team for The Garage: A Crossfit Gym Affiliate Team competition on April 17. For more info on the event check out the announcement here.  We need teams of 4 and can have more than one team entered.  There are no requirements for skills or abilities to be on a team, anyone can be on a team.  This is all about having fun, meeting some other crossfitters and maybe get a workout in. If you are interested in getting on a team, leave a response here, email Nate or talk to any of us. 

Why should you do a competition? Because it's a fun way to test yourself against others, its a great way to see how far you've come in your fitness and to interact with others who are drinking the Kool-aid. Anyone can sign up, don't be afraid.
-Paul Siegel

Monday, April 5, 2010

5 rounds for time of:
40 Double Unders
30  Box Jumps, 24"
20 55 lbs. Kettlebell Swings

It is easy to stop during a workout to draw breath or rest.  What is hard is going for that next rep again and again. It takes determination and courage to do that. But going for that next rep is where results are found, it is where intensity is and it is what we love seeing. Today's WOD is a grind, keep moving on to that next rep even when you really want to stop.

Most people find the sport of rowing to be a little boring to watch.  That being said the rowing world's most famous race, The Boat Race, occurred Saturday morning where Cambridge (light blue) triumphed over Oxford (dark blue).  The Boat Race is held between the two crews over 4 and a quarter miles of the Thames tideway which is a long row. Cambridge had a slow start but held contact for the entirety of the race and eventually rowed through Oxford to win in the final half mile. If you've got a spare 18 minutes check out the full replay here.  Also, I think something with college basketball happened this weekend.
-Paul Siegel

Welcome to the gym Sarah and Dara, Nikki and Jeremy, were excited to have you guys at CFSS.

Awesome job today on your 7:36 "Cherry", Devon.  
For all those interested in the Tuna Jerky I'm selling, a 1oz bag goes for $3.00 and a 4 oz bag costs $6.00. I will have plenty at the gym everyday until I sell out. Make sure to bring cash or a check with you to the gym.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


KFC "Double Down". At first I thought this was a horrible April Fool's prank.  "Let's replace the bread in sandwich with two slabs of fried chicken, that sounds delectable" couldn't have possible made sense to even KFC.  This little sucker is designed to hit every pleasurable taste bud out there. And leave you wanting more. With everything I know and understand about nurtition there's a very remote place in my brain that thinks "Hey, that might be kinda good".  Make no mistake these are drugs, pure and simple.

Welcome to CFSS, Carmen. It's a pleasure having you train with us while in the ATL.
Congrats to Quinn, John, and Krissi on your first muscle-up yesterday.
Saturday Trail Runs at the River

te notice, I know, but tomorrow we will be embarking on our first weekly trail run. The idea is, summer is here, so let's take full advantage of all the trails by the Chattahoochee River. Every Saturday we will meet at a different park and go for a run together. Most of the trails are pretty diverse as far the difficulty level goes, so don't worry about your fitness level. Feel free to bring any friends and/or your dogs.

We will meet today at Sope Creek and start the run at 4:30. 

Directions from the gym:
Go north on Roswell rd.
Left on Johnsferry rd.
After you cross over the river turn left on Papermill rd.
About 1 1/2 miles after the bridge hang a left into the Sope Creek parking lot.

Hope to see you guys out there!
In observance of the Easter holiday there will no Sunday class.

Friday, April 2, 2010

30 Muscle-ups for time

There are essential three components within the Muscle up. The pullup with false grip, the transition and then the deep ring dip.  If you don't have the ability to do a pullup with false grip or a deep ring dip than that is a weakness that needs to be addressed. Once you have your pullup and dip then it is a matter of technique and execution.  And practice, lots of practice. 

I'd like to discuss goats today, often talking about them makes it easier to overcome them. I  have a hellaciously hard time with double unders. I try and fit them in when I can to get as much practice as I can, yet it seems  that they take an awfully long time to get any better. 
What do you struggle with in the Gym?

Congratulations MackMo on your new job as the Office and Marketing Manager over at CrossFit North Atlanta. Were so happy and proud of you. Thank you for letting us be a part of your life and good luck to you. We'll miss you!

Mackenzie "MackMo" Morris

Awesome job on your Re-Cherry, Albert and welcome to the mix. Were excited to have you on board.

Saturday Trail Runs at the River

Late notice, I know, but tomorrow we will be embarking on our first weekly trail run. The idea is, summer is here, so let's take full advantage of all the trails by the Chattahoochee River. Every Saturday we will meet at a different park and go for a run together. Most of the trails are pretty diverse as far the difficulty level goes, so don't worry about your fitness level. Feel free to bring any friends and/or your dogs.

Tomorrow we will meet at Sope Creek and start the run at 4:30.

Directions from the gym:
Go north on Roswell rd.
Left on Johnsferry rd.
After you cross over the river turn left on Papermill rd.
About 1 1/2 miles after the bridge hang a left into the Sope Creek parking lot.

Hope to see you guys out there!

Heads up for Sunday. There will be no workout because of Easter.