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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Krissi swinging the big 55 lb. Kettlebell on Saturday

Once through for time of:
800m run
400m run backwards
800m run
400m run backwards

We'd like to Congratulate Nikki on finish the on-ramp and do very well on her re-Cherry. Actually "very well" doesn't quite do justice to the improvement she's made.  When she first came to us (only a short time ago) she only completed 1.5 rounds on her first Cherry.  She threw out her cigarettes before she left that first day, and committed herself to change.  Today she completed the full 4 rounds of Cherry in 10:42.  That is an exponential increase in performance and dedication.  Afterwards she was talking about doing a crossfit competition "in the next 12 months", but hopefully we'll get her out there sooner than that. 

Nikki, we're very happy to have you on board and can't wait to see what you'll do in the coming months.

I know a few of you are doing the Warrior dash but  figured I'd post of some information so anyone else interested would have a chance to sign up. Note that the deadline is in 20 days:

Welcome to America's most insane race! Warrior Dash lands in the Southeast for the first time in 2010 where 11 obstacles from hell await on this 3.22 mile course Are you a warrior? SIGN UP NOW!

Friday April 30, 2010
You will be unable to modify any participant registration information after 3:00 p.m. (CST) on Friday April 30, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010
Registration will close at 3:00 p.m. (CST) on Monday May 10, 2010. Absolutely NO registration will be accepted after this time.

For  more info go here.

Let everyone know in comments who's doing the warrior dash so you guys can carpool, co-ordinate costumes and revel in bad-assery.


  1. Way to go, Nikki!! Welcome!!

  2. Paul, can you reformat the info under sign up now? it seems to have fallen of the sides of the page

  3. That should be a little better.

    Welcome Nikki! Nice job on your re-Cherry!

    In other news, I put up 170 on the snatch balance yesterday.

  4. Ya you did Paul. You made that look pretty dang easy.

  5. Go Nikki, Go Nikki.....whoooup whoooup! Go Nikki, Go Nikki....whoooup whoooup!

    Happy Birthday LB!!!

  6. Thanks everyone!!! Super excited too! Couldn't have done it without ya'll! Am crazy addicted to CF now and look forward to substantial improvements! Congrats Paul on your snatch balance and Happy Birthday LB! See you all tomorrow!


    Congrats Nikki, it has been an absolute pleasure to see progress so much over that last week or so. You are a true inspiration to all of us. Thanks for being a part of the family and I can't wait to see whats next for you.

  8. nice work paulio...hope to see you again someday!

  9. Anyone doing any easier competitions in the area?

  10. The Muddy Buddy is on June 19 in Conyers. It's "easier" and funner! I won't be here for it, but that's what I would do.

  11. I'm signed up for Warrior Dash Sunday @ 2:30

  12. Hi - we have a group on Sunday as well at 12:30 - Should be a lot of fun - Curtis we'll have a turkey leg together!... well maybe a beer! LOL

  13. Thanks so much guys for bday wishes ! it ws great...ending it at CF w/ my lovely bday song and McGhee made it perfect.:) love you guys bunches!!!! Nikki, i am really proud of you:)

    this dash thing has been escaping my & russ' attention forever now! good grief, so we gotta get signed up...but I wanna do w my CF peeps-is that still possible? (kiersten, you may know answer to this/ maybe/:)
