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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Go Karin!

Carl, Marcus and Alicia on Mondays leg crusher.

5 rounds for load and time of
Back Squat, 3 reps
20 Ring Dips

We have another Date for y'all to put on your Calender: Saturday May 15th  at 11 a.m. we are planning on having a Family Fun Day/Workout.  We'll have a fun workout that kids and their mama/daddy can do together.  


  1. I'm so excited about Family Fun Day... and I don't even have a family!!

  2. Thanks Birdie! Where are ya this week?

  3. My legs, I've had such an awful time getting into my car this week.. thanks nate.

  4. My family is in for the Family Fun Day! I wonder if my 4 yr old can do a muscle-up.

  5. Your welcome anonymous.

    Craigerrr, my 4 yr old does 30 muscle ups in sub 5.....just kiddin but he does like to swing and spin around really fast on the rings.

  6. KARINNNNNNN! wow, girl that is very impressive! you didn't even mention this yesterday, you humble little RockStar Mama! so proud:)

    I'm like Joanna on the Family Fun Day...maybe i can rent me a kiddo for that one!:)

  7. LB & Joanna... I've got two that I'll loan out!!!LOL

  8. Nice work Karin. Don't have a family of my own either but will try my best to make it early. Sounds fun! But I have a wedding shower to attend that starts at 2 that day :( But not mine!!

  9. Kiersten bring your adorable gorgeous babies to me!!! i will have them totally spoiled in no time:)!
