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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Split Jerk

The split jerk is usually done as the second part of a clean and jerk as seen above.  Much of the principles that hold true in the clean hold true in the split jerk. You want to be quick under the bar, essentially trying to beat gravity.  After the dip drive the bar is essentially weightless, your aim should be to be under the bar in a strong position before it starts to fall. From this all you do is stand up.

Another point to think about is that you want to be locked out at the same time you land in the bottom.  Any sort of press after you've landed in the split is technically a miss in competition. We won't be that strict, but don't do it.

We're putting together an Affiliate team for The Garage: A Crossfit Gym Affiliate Team competition on April 17. For more info on the event check out the announcement here.  We need teams of 4 and can have more than one team entered.  There are no requirements for skills or abilities to be on a team, anyone can be on a team.  This is all about having fun, meeting some other crossfitters and maybe get a workout in. If you are interested in getting on a team, leave a response here, email Nate or talk to any of us. 

Join us for CFSS Family Dinner at Teela Tacqueria Tomorrow Night at 7:15 p.m.


  1. I hope everyone notices that family Dinner is TOMORROW NIGHT, Thursday. I got my days switched up when writing last night.

  2. Paul-
    you say that there are no requirements...but does that really mean that pretty weak people can still do it? haha cuz if that's the case...I think I want in if that's aight with yall

  3. Chris "The Jerk" LangApril 7, 2010 at 9:32 AM

    I'm going to wreck these split jerks this afternoon. Chad - what did you hit this morning? I'll make it a goal to beat your weight. I feel very strong today.

    Sorry - but I needed to do a little light taunting this morning.

  4. Chad "The Will Not Be Beat by Chris" PerryApril 7, 2010 at 12:39 PM

    185 baby! 15lb PR. Don't think you'll beat me but if you do then my excuse is that I was working on form. I even threw up 185 TWICE just to make my last rep nice and pretty. Had more in me on the weight but it really is a tricky move for me.

    You can borrow my magic shoes - you'll need all the help you can get.

  5. Chris "I'm Gonna Lay it Down" LangApril 7, 2010 at 1:24 PM

    Nice! A challenge awaits. My last split jerk in December was 175#. This should be no problem...I'm expecting no less than a 50-60# increase. Have you seen my forearms and quadceps lately (I have quadceps, not triceps)? Gargantuan...

  6. Chad "Hearing a lot of hot air" PerryApril 7, 2010 at 2:42 PM

    Don't hurt yourself there quadcep man. I need to get me a pair of them quadceps... that's what I'm missing to stay in front of you!

    I have a feeling you'll get 190 and it will be UGLY but you'll get there.

  7. Chad "The worried I got beat" PerryApril 7, 2010 at 6:59 PM


  8. Chris "I'm Not Gonna Lie to You" LangApril 7, 2010 at 8:09 PM

    I thought I was going to be on like Donkey Kong today. Complete focus, resolve, proper groin support, and my Chuck Taylors. I piped Rollins through the truck speakers (6X9s)on the way over. It was the making of an epic tale. I had even prepared myself for potentially loosing bodily functions in order to successfully hoist 190# over my head with a split and jerk that would make even Joe Weider (google him) shutter with envy.

    In hindsight, I'm not too sure I'm proud of what I did - I actually left the gym feeling a little awkward about it. But then again, the moment took over, and at the time, it just seemed right. Paul took a picture of me laying on the ground - if he posts it, that will tell the story.

  9. Chad "Giddy" PerryApril 7, 2010 at 8:40 PM

    I don't care if I lost or not since I'm laughing too hard to care!

  10. Paul "Finally got it!" SiegelApril 7, 2010 at 9:02 PM

    I was gonna spill the beans, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Needless to say Chris was on fire.

    I put up 195, it was kinda ugly but still counted in competition. One of these days...

    But after I was messing around on the rings and got my first muscle up. It was kinda surprising being on top of the rings and the dip was ugly. I was kicking like I was drowning. But it was done. And there were witnesses!

  11. CONGRATS PAUL!!!!!

    and you'll be laughing even harder when you see the picture tomorrow, Chad =)

  12. Any tips on how to workout and not have the Pollen kill you?
