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Friday, April 23, 2010

Want to extend a big Welcome to our newest CrossFitter, Murcus. 6:51 on Cherry yesterday!
Four rounds of:
500m row
3 minutes rest
Score is 500m split in each round.

Next Saturday May 1st I'm planning on taking a day hike out in North Georgia.  weather is nice and its not too hot this is probably the best time to poke around the woods.  Right now I'm thinking around 8-10 miles with some good elevation change. Fort Mountain State Park is supposed to be nice, but there are some hikes in the Cohutta's that are doable in a day, details will be decided by the time we leave. We'll leave at 8 a.m. from CFSS and try and be back by around 7 p.m., later if we get dinner out there. 

Before I got into Crossfit, I lead trips in high school and college and taught backpacking at both levels, just to put some qualifications out there. If anyone is interested in going, or have any suggestion with where you'd like to go, post to comments here or send me an email at pasiegel1 (at) comcast (dot) net. 


  1. I love to hike! But I can't next weekend... be safe!

  2. Wish I could go but I have to work. :( But a great place is in the Amicolola Falls area. It's beautiful up there and there's a few small waterfalls too. Have fun and hike safe!

  3. "D.T"

    One of the very few times I had to write my name in blue, well the last half of my name. Did first two rounds RX then after I felt my hips shooting under on the clean and on the jerk banging my chin with the bar so hard I saw stars and bit my lip in half,,,,I decided to drop to 135.

    I'll never forget this workout in the parking lot with Chuck and our first two CrossFitters and very dear buds Kristen and Ryan otherwise known as (Chubby and Ribeye).

    Days like these are what CrossFit is all about by bonding through the shared pain.

    Wooooooooooooooooooooooooo, woooooo woooo!
