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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

1 Mile run
100 Pullups
200 Pushups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

Partition as necessary. Please note that for our record boards you must go unpartitioned. If you have a 20 lb. vest or body armor wear that (this is optional).  Plan to come in early and maybe stay a little late. Anyway you slice this one up or scale it can take a good bit of time.

If you didn't receive the Evite yesterday for the  Gut Check Challenge Wrap-up Let us know in comments or send Nate an email. We'll get an invite out to you real quick.
-Pau Siegel

Farewell to a Friend
         As many of you may already know, one of our closest family members at CFSS is moving on. He has been an instrumental part of our staff in the level of knowledge, motivation, and pure friendship he brings with him. He has helped many of us through our toughest challenges and has been around to offer a word of encouragement whenever needed. His dedication to the improvement of himself and all of our family here at CFSS, has been unwavering. His presence will be greatly missed, but the spirit he has envoked in all of us will not be lost. From the bottom of our heart and the depths of our soul we thank you, Jonathon, on behalf of all of your family here at CFSS for everything you have done. You have touched lives and changed peoples futures for the better, a debt which can never be fully repaid. We will all miss dearly, but wish you much luck and great success in everything you choose to do in life.
      Come and join us on Thursday night at Teela Taqueria  to say farewell to Jonathon. We will be meeting there at 7:30 and hanging out till about 10. So, come have a drink and toast to good freind. 


  1. Jon-
    You bring a whole new energy to the gym, CFSS won't be the same without ya! Sucks losing such a great trainer but I wish you much happiness in NC.
    And thanks for helping me with my running! =)
    We'll miss you!

  2. Oh boy, Jon will be missed! You worked so hard for us. Thank you!

  3. Oh NO...say it ain't so!!

    I will miss you Jonathon! Good luck in all your future endeavors.


  4. made up the 5k run today
