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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 SDLHP
3-6-9-12-15-18-21 Sit-ups
First round is 21 SDLHP, 3 Sit-ups, next is 18 SDLHP, 6 Situps and so on.

  Without getting too technical what we in the Crossfit world are looking for is more work, done faster.  We'll explore these two terms and understand what they mean.  More work can come in a variety of ways whether it is more weight lifted, or a lighter band used, this represents an increase in work.  Another example would be more rounds of Cindy more work done.  Conversely as some you saw in the performance testing when the work parameters stay the same but the work gets done faster, we see a rise in power production.  And ultimately we look for either in our advances in crossfit. Especially in the beginning more work can be just as rewarding as it being done faster. Stepping up from ring rows to band pullups and then from band to band is a huge accomplishment. And it also represents an increase in work.  Try to view your accomplishments in these terms.  Perhaps you did a workout slower than you did it before but used a lighter band, or a heavier weight. This represents an increase in work.
-Paul Siegel


  1. Taking my rest week off. My body def needs it. It sure is hard to eat clean without exercise for me though.

    When will the gut check challenge results be posted?

  2. I can hardly move my body after "CINDY" on Sunday and yesterdays workout!!! OUCH!!!!!!

  3. We'll have an awards ceremony this saturday, hopefully. Nate's pulling together an evite which will go out tonight or tomorrow.

    It was good seeing everyone bust up the AMRAP yesterday. It was an interesting one.

    Hope y'all are prepared for Murph tomorrow.
