Day 2 of Performance testing
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 Kettlebell Swings 1.5 poods (55 lbs. Dumbbell)
12 Pullups
If you want to participate in the challenge we need your $20 by tomorrow at the latest. We are also breaking the performance challenge into two parts. Those of you who have done crossfit for longer than 6 months and those of you who have done crossfit less than 6 months.Musings:
Why should you do Performance testing? And I mean a standardized system of consistent broad testing like what were doing oddly enough. It shows you ultimately what's working and what's not. It is the same "Black Box" theory that we've talked about before. It is a blind testing that shows results from one period to the next. What we do with this data is more significant. We can extrapolate important clues about what works for you. More sleep, less carbs, more fat are general prescriptions but the more data we collect (and your food log, workouts and general feelings are data) the better we can help you to achieve your goals. Be careful in recording your workouts, be vigilant about your food logs and there is no reason any of you shouldn't see results from this challenge.-Paul Siegel
Nutrition Updates:
I saw a question on the blog yesterday asking about fish oil dosing, so I will give you guys some info on all aspects of fish oil today. First, read The Definitive Guide to Fish Oils from Mark Sisson. This will touch on the general benefits of supplementing with fish oil, and also links to studies showing correlations between fish oil supplementation and reduction in many health issues. Then, read Fish Oil Guide Follow-Up, this will cover many of the questions you are sure to have. For those of you that don't want to read any of the links I post, here are the basics:- Supplement with fish oil to reduce systemic inflammation (among other things) due to your out of whack omega-6(pro-inflammatory) to omega-3(anti-inflammatory) fatty acid balance (average American diet 20:1, we want 2:1 or lower).
- Dosage depends on body weight and how crappy your diet. The top end is recommended anywhere from 0.5-1g EPA/DHA per 10 lbs. of body weight. Note: You CANNOT make up for a crappy diet by supplementing with fish oil. If you eat fatty fish 3+ x per week and only consume grassfed, organic meat sources, and no vegetable oils, then you may not need to supplement.
- Start off with a low dose, like 2-4 pills per day then up the dosage after several days. Remember, too much of a good thing usually turns out bad, fish oil thins the blood which after a certain point is dangerous. I take about 6g of EPA/DHA daily sometimes less.
- EPA/DHA is the most important component of fish oil supplements (most usable omega-3 fats for our body), so make sure you look for this on the nutritional label. A bottle may say 1g fish oil per capsule, but the EPA/DHA content per capsule is only 0.3g per capsule, and also beware that sometimes the serving size is 2 capsules.
- You can get cheapish fish oil from Costco, but I would recommend this Enteric Coated version as it has about 0.6g EPA/DHA per capsule, where the other Kirkland kind has about 0.3g.
That's it. I am not one to notice specific effects from supplementation, but some people have reported amazing results after starting fish oil. Experts across the dietary spectrum agree that there are many benefits to fish oil, so go buy some.
Helen- 13:35 new PR. 10 sec off my old time but it goes to show that going Paleo and cutting carbs (hardcore including fruit) hasn't slowed me down so that was helpful to see. Down 3lbs & 1/4" off the waist as of this morning. Breakfast: chicken breast, beef tips and half a cucumber and another gallon of water today. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteAwesome, Chad!
ReplyDeleteThanks GA! You coming tonight?
ReplyDelete1st day of paleo:
ReplyDeleteBreakfast: Smoothie w/ frozen strawberries, blueberries, protein powder, water, almonds, and some coffee
Lunch: Salad w/ canned tuna in water, broccoli, spinach, and italian dressing.
Snack: 1 can mandarin oranges, tuna jerky, almonds
Snack: tuna jerky, almonds
Dinner:5 eggs, spinach, onions, broccoli, and half an avacado.
As I guy that doesn't do much cooking, I enjoy everyone's food/ me many ideas.
ReplyDeleteDiscovered an awesome easy Paleo-ish salad dressing recipe from MensHealth magazine.
1/2 minced shallot (type of onion, got at Kroger)
3 parts olive oil
1 part lemon juice
salt/pepper to taste
ReplyDeleteTraining - BS 190x5x3, Press 120x5x3 (missed last rep of last set), DL 270x5
Food - Breakfast: Coffee, 3 egg scramble w/ sausage, bell pepper, onion, and avocado, & homefries (not paleo, but was eating out, and i skipped the biscuit). Lunch: Chicken and vegetable soup, pecans. Snack: Almonds, banana. Dinner: 2 bowls of beef stew.
Training - Helen: 9:57
Tried my new post workout meal today. Normally drink a pint to quart of milk, but had a can of sardines today. Not too bad, don't know if I can do a whole can though...
Hey guys! Heard you were doing a paleo challenge and I would love to share some of my goodies. As a woman I know I need variety. Men can typically eat the same crap 3x a day and never get bored. Me= not possible.
ReplyDeleteTips: I am a huuuge fan of the holy trinities of cooking. Life savors in fact. Wikipedia them. They are flavor bases for cooking and most countries have their own. Great for sauce,stew,soup bases. Lisa Bizoond's holy trinity= Holy duo actually; onion and mushroom
Staples in my paleo vault:
1)Zuchinni-Great for a saute, grill and quick and easy. Takes on whatever flavor you put it in!
I use them mainly to make zuchinni chips- cut into chips add olive oil,salt and pepper and throw'em on the foreman. Takes on the taste of... well a potato chip! Great replacement for when you would eat chips ex:lunch or snack.
2) Onion and mushroom chopped and sealed in a bag. I do this at the start of the week. I know onion? But seriously if you pick the milder ones they are great flavor enhancers to any meal And when sauted they are pretty tame and wont mess your breath up. Try different onions and mushrooms each week. All you have to do is when your ready to make a meal is grab your bag of them and saute them in olive oil and mix them into a meat or vege. Quick, easy, and very helpful in the kitchen
3. Frozen meats. I go to trader joes once a month and stalk up on frozen fish, meats, you name it. At night I throw one in the fridge ex:Ahi Tuna. In the morning when it's defrosted I seal it up in foil with a homemade mirinade I play around with different spices and add lemon juice or olive oil. It will be ready when you come home.
4. Pre-made Miranades and olive oil. Once again trader joes. I buy this stuff they have called Curry Simmer Sauce. Quick,easy and paleo enough as far as I can tell or care. Also their canned crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce,etc Italians had it right. (Italian holy trinity: tomato,garlic, and basil)
5. sunflower and almond butter. I didn't like either at first. But now...crave em all the freakin time! I am addicted to putting them on apples right now. Eat them together 2-3 times a day.
Breakfast- 3 scrambled eggs (boring today I usually use my mushroom/onion mix and add brocolli or aspargus), 1 apple with almond butter
Lunch- sauted mushroom/onion with grassfed/free range beef (1 lb=$6.99 at publix right now) and zuchinni chips.
Snack: Almonds, Applefarms turkey lunch meat (7 oz packages are $3.50 at publix right now)
Dinner tonight- sauted mushroom/onion mix with pancetta ($2.99 for small cubed at Trader Joes)then mix in chopped brocolli and let saute together and topped off with some sauted shrimp.
Lisa Bizzond, have'nt had a chance to thank you mucho for getting us on CFHQ!!!
ReplyDeleteHit (Row/Thrusters) today = 15:17
My wife will agree with you Lisa, dudes can eat same every day....Nate (Mon-Fri):
1)-6 eggwhites/1/2 cup spinach sauted with 1 tablespoon olive oil/1 medium pear
2) protein shake/1 tbsp flax oil/1 cup grapes
3) 1 1/2 cups brocoli steamed with 2 tbsp olive oil/ 4 oz. tuna
4) protein shake/1 1/2 cups carrots/ handful walnuts
5) big green salad or vegies with steak or chicken or fish
ReplyDeleteNot all men have taste buds like Nate. I like a little variety in my diet. I get bored with some food quite easily.
Food today:
Breakfast: Beef Stew, I fast on my off days (usually tuesdays and thursdays) eating around noon. Around 14 hours today. Usually varies from between 16 to 14 hours.
Snacks: Clementines, nuts, etc.
Lunch: Breakfast 3 egg omelet with a touch of feta, topped with guacomole from last night. Mixed fruit with Kiwi, blackberry, and blueberries.
I think I stood in my pantry for about 5 minutes last night hoping a piece of bread or a cracker would magically appear on the shelf. I'm not starting off strict Paleo, but approaching it gradually. There are some "f#*% off" foods (coffee and peanut butter) that no matter what, will still be consumed. :)
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to Helen tonight! This is one of my favs!
had a great salad last night...
ReplyDeleteraw spinach topped with pear, pine nuts, chicken and balsamic vinaigrette dressing...wanted feta cheese too but I refrained.
Andy wanted cookies...I wanted wine...we refrained (albeit, reluctantly). He looked up paleo chocolate recipies...not many out there.
I am still going strong with paleo on day 3...anyone else find themselves hungry a lot?
Birdie-If you're hungry eat something. Remember Paleo is not calorie restricted. Have some meat, some fruit and vegetales, and some good fat.
ReplyDeleteDinner for tonight- Real Easy Cabbage and Sausage.
1 head of Cabbage
1 onion
1 package of sausage (we use organic andoiulle, but anything will work)
Sprinkle of Hot and Sweet paprika.
little oil
Shred Cabbage. Sweat onion in oil with Hot and Sweet paprika. Add cabbage and sausage. When cabbage is translucent and succulent serve hot.
Last time I did Helen I did 15(20lb) DB swings and 9 ring pulls in 13:45, this time I did 21(30lb) DB swings and 12 PU w the blue band in 14:57! glad we've been off of HQ...the last 3 workouts looked like ABSOLUTE TORTURE!
ReplyDeletethe only scary part is we have to do the HQ workouts next week SSCF will be a week behind from now on...HELP
D= ...good point, I think it might be time for a rest week for me next week!
ReplyDeleteGreat job everyone! Way to step it up!
ReplyDeleteHelen - 10:27 PR.
I am a dude that can eat the same thing everyday
7 AM Crossfit
8:15 AM Smoothie with frozen strawberries, blueberries, mango, spinich and vanilla protein powder
10:30 AM - 2 whole eggs, 3/4 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup oats (I know forbidden in the paleo world but it works for me to do this in the AM in only fruits and veggies rest of day for carbs), blueberries
1:30 PM - 8 ounces chicken, LOTS of frozen veggies, almonds, olive oil, salsa
4:30 PM - Power Butter (peanut butter, my 2nd non-paleo item I'm not giving up, egg whites, flax seeds, flax oil, wheat germ), Apple
7:00 PM - 8 ounces chicken or orange roughy, LOTS of frozen or fresh veggies, almonds, olive oil
8:00 PM - Red grapes and small amount of power butter if still hungry
Repeat next day
Paul, question on the fish oil...You are saying that the max amount to supplement is .5 to 1 gram of EPA/DHA per lbs of bodyweight and each pill typically is 1 gram. Wouldn't I have to take 100-200 pills weighing 216?
ReplyDeleteJonathan writes the nutrition stuff but I believe he meant to write for every 10 lbs. Which is what I base my supplementation on.
This is cool But take it with a grain of salt.
So if you weigh 216 and want .5 grams per 10 lbs. with 1200 mg of total DHA-EHA would give you closer to 9 pills a little easier to swallow but still a good bit of fish oil. However with the 684 of the enteric costco brand, you would have to take 16 pills a day.
Wolf and others have always promoted a very large dosage. I don't think I can handle that much fish oil.
Yep, Paul is right. I meant per 10 lbs of body weight. Doing that much just isn't in my budget or convenient. Trying to choke down 10 pills at each meal just sounds a bit ridiculous to me.