Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
3 Rounds of:
15 Burpees
21 Pull-ups
30 Goblet Squats, 70lbs(50lbs.)
There has been a lot of attention given to the Fight Gone Bad fundraiser and the actual workout over the last few months. We have talked about your old P.R.'s and coming in to compete against each other and yourselves, but I do not feel as if there has been enough attention given to why we are doing this. Doing FGB on Saturday should be more than just another workout for all of us. Our concerns and motives should not be only for ourselves this time around. The money we raised is not for our own pride or feelings of accomplishment, it is for the people in our lives who are fighting a battle with cancer or with aftermath of injuries incurred while fighting for our country. We need to put aside our own selfish reasons for being out there on Saturday and instead think of all those souls who are having their own fight with an unimaginable enemy. So, I ask that all of us show up for FGB with them in mind. Think of someone in your life that is in this struggle and do it for them. Your P.R. isn't as important as simply showing support for those who need it. If your on the fence or simply scared of competing, change your mindset and be there for our friends, family or colleagues who need you.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tonight's classes will run as scheduled, despite the rain.
Friday, September 18, 2009
5 rounds for time:
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Nate and Chuck destroying "Diane"
50 pull ups
95 lbs. Thruster 21 Reps
95 lbs. Thruster 21 Reps.
50 Pull ups
FGBIV. We're still $240 short. Please Donate.
Who: Crossfit Athletes (that be all of you) and friends and family.
What: FGBIV workout and Grand Opening Celebration.
When: Saturday September 26th at Noon.
Where: We'll be doing the workout in heats inside and the party will be outside depending on weather.
Why: To officially open our new space and raise a little money for Wounder Warriors and Athletes for a Cure.
Even if you haven't signed up on the Fight Gone Bad page you're more than welcome to come do the workout.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Rest Day
Max Box Jump Competition
Standing or Running Start
3 rounds for time:
30 box Jumps 20"
25 Dumbbell Push Press 50 lbs.
20 pull ups
FGBIV. $240 is all we need. Donate.
Proprioception -N, Physio. from the latin Proprius meaning one's own. The ability to sense the position and location and orientation and movement of the body and its parts.
The reason we don't have any mirrors in here is because we are trying to establish prioperception. We're asking you to develop a sense of how your body moves in space, for example asking you to imagine what your lumbar curve is doing when you can't look at it. When you lose tightness across your shoulders in a front squat but you have no idea you did it, that is a loss of Proprioception. It's an easier skill to develop than a muscle up and one that is very necessary. All you need to do is notice how one position varies from the other and when they change. If you have a butt wink in your squat or drop your hips in the pushup, you have to have some idea that your doing it to fix it. Do a few reps with poor form, then do a few reps with exacting form. Try and notice the difference in which muscles are tight and which aren't, what parts of your body need to be where to get it right . Once you can notice the difference that is prioperception. Now extend that sort of testing to every movement we do in here and you'll begin to get closer to perfect form. -Paul Siegel
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Front Squat
FGBIV. $230 short of our goal. Still plenty of time to donate. We'll be doing Fight Gone Bad at Noon on Saturday 26, 2009. We're going to have multiple heats going through so come early and we'll get you scheduled in. Afterwards if you can eat we'll have Food and Drink since it's also our grand opening.
Weightlifting Notes:
- Shoes: I still see plenty of people lifting in tennis shoes. We've discussed this before and talked about ills of lifting on a marshmellow. But here's a great video from VS Athletics showing exactly what we see when you lift in tennis shoes. Barefoot, Chucks or lifting shoes, anything else and you're really missing pounds on a heavy day. Next time your warming upa heavy day take your shoes off and really pay attention to your body. If you don't feel more stable than put 'em back on.
- Jumps: The only way to get really good at figuring out where to make jumps in weight is plenty of experience under the bar doing the kind of lifting we do in here. And even then it is never a sure thing. There are a host of factors that influence our decisions in making jumps. From how you feel that day to your form on the lift to a certain something in the air that's not second hand smoke, everything has an influence. It's important that you communicate with us how the lift felt (more than just "heavy") and that you have faith in us where we tell you to make jumps. That's what you pay us for.
- Mindset: 75% of heavy lifting is mental. A strong mind can make up for weaker muscle, but a weak mind (that's scared of the weight, unsure or what not) can overpower strong muscles everytime, especially at a Rep Max (RM). Approach that bar liked it call your mom a dirty name and be aggressive with it. Fake aggression if you have to. But know that you're going to make that lift. I've heard it termed white hot focus. You have to go to a very deep and quiet place mentally to lift heavy weights well. Use whatever you need to get there.
- Missing: You're going to miss, it happens quite often especially if you're doing progressive jumps trying to get to a Rep Max for the day, which is how we treat strength days in here. The important thing for a miss is that you fix what you did wrong and then forget about the missed rep for the rest of the session. Don't let it weigh you down (pun intended).
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Congrats to Big Mike P. on putting up 1005 on his total. This is 465. (make sure to watch the very end of the video)
Push Jerk
Fight Bone Bad IV. Thanks to everyone who's already donated, but we're not there yet. We're in the final stretch of funding now and still need everyone's support.
We've always been anti-glove in here. Simply the stated the glove is a hindrance to develop great grip strength. It changes the way your hands hold the bar( whether it be barbell or pull up bar) and it makes it harder to hold by increasing the effective thickness of the bar. What you can't hold you can't pick up. The only reason you should ever wear gloves is to cover an injury, which was probably caused by wearing the gloves, not developing calluses and then forgetting the gloves. If they have wrist straps it's even worse, because not only are you making your hands weak but also you're wrists weak as well. Some of you have suggested you want to avoid calluses. That's just not going to happen. Calluses protect your hands from everyday abuse and let you work harder in here, they are a natural by-product of barbell and gymnastic work. This doesn't mean you have to have hands like a longshoreman. Filing down and moisturizing your calluses keeps them smooth, supple and still helpful in the gym. A good way of easing into callus development is using gloves for half a workout, and gradually decreasing the amount of time spent in glove. Jonathan keeps a can of Burt's Bees Hand Balm in his car and uses it every time he drive anywhere. Just remember, If you're going to wear gloves make sure they match your purse.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Fight Gone Bad IV. We've raised $1005 so far which is great, but we've still got $995 to go. The clock doesn't stop until you cross the finish line. 23 days to go.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1. Measure with tape from the top of your longest finger to several inches past the base of your wrist.
Your going to then double this measurement in tape. We find that around 16"-18" works very well for even the largest of hands.
2. Double the tape over in half lengthwise
3. Smooth the tape out, smooth it over an edge or something sharp, try and get all the air bubbles out.
4. Double it over on itself so that the two ends meet. And the same side of tape is facing up. This will leave a loop for your finger to fit through.
5. Place another strip of tape on the bottom of the strap you made above, this holds it together and adds another layerof abrasion resistance. Fit it on the necessary finger above to cover your palm. Note how far past the wrist it goes. Before you tape it to your wrist, stretch your wrist out backwards so that there is enough slack in the strap. Now take one wrap around your wrist. Double the wrist strap back on itself and trap it with another loop of tape. We've found that only one loop around the wrist the strap will pull loose. If the strap pulls free it will still protect your hands but, it's annoying and not something we need.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Fran's Boat Race
1000m Row
21 95 lb. thruster
21 pullups
750m Row
15 95 lb. thruster
15 pullups
500m row
9 95 lb. thruster
9 pullups
If rowers are not available than the running sub is 1 mile, 800m and 400m.Have you donated to Fight Gone Bad 4 yet? A prize package for the most money raised is still out there for the win. 26 days left.
Your brain thinks you can do less than your muscles actually can. Ignore your brain. Or, you know, try to. Thanks to Rob for sending this to Nate and for Nate bringing it to my attention. If you find an interesting article or topic you'd like covered post it to comments.