Rest Day
Make-up a missed WOD
or try this
20-15-10 of:
Pistol Squatss
GHD Sit-ups
Saturday's Skill Class at 8 "The Press progression"
Normal classes at 9 and 10 a.m.
Post your T-shirt ideas to comments or on the sheet in the gym. Sign-up sheets will also be up.
Who's going to the georgia fitness challenge? Saturday August 1, all day. The Gym will be closed that day so if you want to work out then you will have to come see us.
I want to cover a few aspects of programming here. Crossfit works on a cycle of 3 on/1 off. This last cycle examplifies the constantly varied aspect of what we do in here. We had Filthy Fifty, 5k run and 7x1 deadlifts and then a rest day. We hit metabolic endurance, anaerobic exertion and aerobic exertion. Every pathway was covered from Phosphagenic to Oxidative.
However due to time constraints of life not many of us can train on the 3 on/1 off that crossfit programs. I try and do a 5 on/2 off program. Nate and Chace have all adapted the programming to fit they're own adaptation and time constraints. This means that given a various week we can pick and choose. I know today I'll probably hit the deadlifts instead of doing the 5k row. Ideally I'd do something aerobic for friday, but we'll see. My point in all this self-discussion is that we want to get a mix of everything. If you tend to miss the heavy lifting that is a weakness in your programming, if you tend to skip the long distance that is also a weakness. And you are the weaker and slower for having missed either one.You need to be addressing this in your general fitness. To ignore any of the domains is a weakness that does nothing to increase your work capacity or overall health. So I'm going to challenge you to do something might not like to do, like run or lift heavy.
AAAAAAHHHHH, rest day for me.
ReplyDeleteMan, that was a beautiful CFSS WOD today. Whoever thought that up must be a programming genius...
ReplyDeleteToday's WOD 12:53, I think.
Yesterday, deadlift 7x1
I am planning on attending the Georgia Fitness Challenge. Apparently they are running it at three different times. What time are people planning on being there?
Also, there is a Fight Gone Bad fundraiser going on nationally on September 26. Affiliates sign up and then individuals from each affiliate sign up to do the work out and raise a certain amount of money. Read about it here:
I won't be here for it, but I think it would be a great thing for the gym to do.
Tee shirt:
ReplyDeleteCrossFit: Fast, Brutal and Addictive!
My mom (Carol) rocks, doesn't she? Go Mom!!