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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"The deadlift is more functional in that it's very hard to imagine a more useful application of strength than picking heavy stuff off the ground"
-Coach Mark Rippetoe (edited for langauge)
Crossfit T-shirts are so freaking cool. I try and collect one from every affliate I visit (2 so far). They are the best advertisement we have. It's a great way to brag about what you do in the gym and to represent us to the world at large. Chace is gearing up for another run of t-shirts and we're running a competition of sorts. Here's the deal:
We're looking for t-shirt suggestions: Post slogan, quotes, or whatever else you'd like to see on there to comments. One week from today we'll vote on the best one. So if you've got a suggestion, you've got a week to get it in. We'll accept submissions up to 6 a.m. next Tuesday.
There's going to be a sign-up sheet in the gym for sizes as well.


  1. "Filthy 50" yesterday 27:22. Gonna ride my bike at Columns today and hit deadlifts on Thursday. Weeeeeee!

  2. Comfortable with Discomfort

    Not as hardcore as most CrossFit slogans, but sweet and simple.

    "Terrible Twenty-five" yesterday 11:53
    Subbed pushups for push press
    And AB Mat for K2E

  3. CrossFit T-Shirt Slogan:
    CrossFit: The Beautiful Pain!
