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Monday, May 18, 2009

CrossFit HQ WOD

Row 500 meters

Bodyweight bench press, 30 reps

Row 1000 meters

Bodyweight bench press, 20 reps

Row 2000 meters

Bodyweight bench press, 10 reps

CrossFit Sandy Springs Alternate WOD

21 shoulder press, 75lbs.

800 meter run

21 push press, 75lbs.

800 meter run

21 push jerk, 75lbs.

800 meter run

Happy Birthday to Sandy Springs 1st CrossFitter and true shark, RYAN SMITH!!!


  1. Peachtree International Triathlon, Saturday May 16th: 2:47:00

  2. Alternative WOD: 45lb bar. 15:37? i think that's what i got.

    And happy bday Ryan!!! Sharks rule today. But I'm sure after today, the battle of shark vs lion will continue......

  3. YES! thanks you guys! sharks do rule, and so does turning 28. as life goes on, its funny to look back and see what you were doing or who you were in the past. for instance, before i turned 28 i was 27. before i did cross fit it was all i could do to just look at battery acid, now i put it in my cereal.

  4. a 4:44 diane is ridiculous! nice job nate!

    today i did the wod, i liked it.

    row, body weight bench press, 175 lbs.
    time: 26:38

  5. WOD #2, with row instead of run

