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Thursday, May 7, 2009

CFHQ Rest Day

CFHQ Rest Day -or-

Try This

3 Rounds For Time of:

10 Med. Ball Cleans

15 Wall Ball

400m. Run
There will be no class this Sat. for the fundraiser/competition this weekend. The competition will be Saturday morning, from 10a.m. to 12a.m. and all fitness levels are welcome. The challenge is being thrown to raise money for the Relay For life American Cancer Society. So, get out there help kick cancer's ass. For those interested in competing send your name and affiliate in the subject line toaffiliatechallenge@gmail.com. The deadline for registration is today!!
Also, we are ordering more t-shirts for those who did not get one and if you just want another one. Were getting women's sizes and dri-fit by request only. There is a sign-up sheet next to the door, if you want to order one. Thanks to everyone who is buying, your support is greatly appreciated.


  1. Hey guys! I would like a girl one for sure when i get back. sign me up! How much for girl cut and quickdry?

  2. 3-5-7 Pullup WOD on 5/5
    28 sets, 28:59

