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Friday, May 8, 2009

5/8/09 "Grace" 135lb. Clean & Jerk (30 reps for time)

Mike's "Grace" 3:35

Jason's "Grace" 3:38

Create Monsters : CHECK!


I know it's late notice, like really late notice, but we are having a Bar-B-Que tomorrow. The event will be a fundraiser for Alliance Martial Arts and all the proceeds will go to paying for competitors to go to the World Championships in California. 

It is going to be a lot of fun. There will be face painters for the kids, sumo wrestling competition for the grown ups and lots of free food and drinks. If you have a dish your are good at making, then don't be shy. 

The address is 135 Churchill Dr., Atlanta, GA 30350 and the event starts at 3p.m. Hope  to see you guys there and thanks in advance.

1 comment:

  1. So the workout for tomorrow's fundraiser has been posted.

    Sand Bag Carry 300m
    50 Back Ext
    40 Push Press RX: 75# male/55# female 55#/35# Scaled
    30 Goblet Squat w Kettlebell RX: 70#/55# Scaled: 55#/35#
    20 Pull Ups RX: Chin over bar Scaled: Jumping Pull Ups. No bands (Chest to bar not required, but encoraged)
    10 Burpees
