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Monday, March 16, 2009

WOD 3/16/09

Rest Day, but for our Crossfitters it's catch up day from Sunday!

Also please contact Chace if you are interested in doing a Sunday class. If enough people seem interested we will start it up!


21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips

Post time to comments.


  1. wheewww....todays workout was crazy. much harder than i thought. i made up sundays workout called "J.T." i did it in under 19:00 minutes. several minutes faster than the trainer Chase.
    i have been doing crossfit for sometime now. after having done it for 6 months i impregnated my wife. 9 months later she gave birth to a 16 ounce ribeye steak.

  2. i almost forgot. i beat the trainer, chase, by nearly 5 minutes. oh, no wait, i mentioned that already. 5 minutes!

  3. Oh Ryanmy friend.... you are hilar. There is no comeback chace could ever attempt that would match that, beautiful and keep uo the good work.
