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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

WOD 3/10/09

NOTE TO MEMBERS: Don't forget to sign up on our email list at the front of the gym when you first walk in. We also now have notebooks at the gym for each member to keep up with their work outs,times, pr's,etc... Please stop by Nate or Chace and make sure you've got one.


1 rep, Back Squat
1 rep, Shoulder press
1 rep, Deadlift

  1. Kathy Totalx3 190lb x3
  2. Jen Repsx3 245lb sx3
  3. Chad "WOD 3/9" green 9rds
  4. Christina "WOD 3/9" green/pu 8rds
  5. J.Lang 745 PR
  6. Jason 825
  7. Krissi 435
  8. Karin 340
  9. Lisa Reps x3 265
  10. KS "Cherry" blue/knees 11:54
  11. Jen "Cherry" 20/10/10 box pl/knees 11:23
  12. Mike 1055 PR (DL-500lbs PR)
  13. Sheri "Micheal" 1/2 reps 14:25
  14. Ryan "Jackie" 7:31
  15. Brooke 410 PR
  16. Tim 690 PR
  17. Steve Back Squat 5x5 125lbs
  18. Diego 750 PR
  19. David 760 PR
  20. Roger "WOD 3/9" PU/Box PL 5rds

J Lang working on that deadlift!

1 comment:

  1. "ADRIANNE!!! Get that lip up in the corner and you'll have the Rocky impression down pat. Way to go J Lang!
