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Thursday, April 9, 2009

4/10/09 CFHQ rest day / CFSS aussie games or euro games qualifier workouts

Diego and David rockin the 5k row! Check the boards to see who won.
Day 1 CrossFit, Sarah walks in and hits about 20 kipping pullups!?!?! Awesome Sarah!


  1. Not fair.....as u can see my knee is bad!!!! Let`s do it again in 2 weeks!!!

  2. yo guys!! i miss yall. hows it goin there? i am in colorado for the next three weeks, can't wait to get back and do some workouts. hope all is well! Nate - i had a dream about you!! this board is not the place to talk about it tho. Chase - are you staying sexy? if i find out you've slacked in the sexiness department i will come beat your latest crossfit time by one second. i swear to god.

  3. sounds good, take care of that knee man
