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Monday, May 24, 2010

CFSS's newest firebreather, Andrew.
The "Super Moms" of CFSS

"Tommy V"
115 lb. Thruster, 21 reps
15 ft. Rope Ascent, 12 ascents
115 lb. Thruster, 15 reps
15 ft. Rope Ascent, 9 ascents
115 lb. Thruster, 9 reps
15 ft. Rope Ascent 6 ascents.

For all of you at the Warrior Dash: Send in your pictures! Email them to Nate. 

On the same topic I'm going to introduce an event that is scheduled for sometime in 2011, that some of you may not have ever heard of. But I'd wager that if you liked the Warrior Dash, you'd probably love the Tough Mudder. The Tough Mudder bills itself as "the TOUGHEST one day event on the planet. This is not your average mud run or boring, spirit-crushing road race. Our 7-12 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all around toughness, strength, stamina, fitness, camaraderie, and mental grit. Forget about your finish time. Simply completing the event is a badge of honor. Not everyone will finish, but those who do make it to our post-event party will have truly earned the right to call themselves a Tough Mudder." It is a different sort of race where your placing and time are almost irrelevant, all you have to do is cross the finish line. There are also complementary permanent tattoos of the Tough Mudder logo for all participants. If you want to get an idea of a course they have a few walk through's set-up for different courses.

They will be scheduling a race for 2011 within two hours of the Atlanta area. For details see this page. I'll keep you all informed when I have more information.

-Paul Siegel 


  1. Paul, you're a Super Mom!!!

  2. Be warned about tough mudders "Toughest 1 day event" claims it was only 4 miles and there was a 20 Min wait at each obstacle.

    I have done Warrior Dash, Spartan Race and Tough Mudder and I have to say the best course was Spartan Race. I qualified in the females catergory to race in the Death Race "a 24 hour insane race" it is the world championship of the Spartan Race.

  3. http://health.yahoo.com/featured/110/7-weight-loss-transformations/
    Notice that the couple that did crossfit are the ONLY ones featured here without their shirts on.
    I'm just sayin'
