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Friday, May 7, 2010

Once through for time:
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 55/ 40 lbs.
40 Pullups
30 Hand Stand Pushups

I was ruminating tonight over a tumbler of (non-paleo) scotch why we encourage our female clients to use 40 lbs. as the RX for kettlebell swings when 1 pood is 35.6 lbs. It's a small matter of 5 lbs. and it's a standard that we really like and won't be changing anytime soon. But the english lit. major part of my brain started to ask "What does it say about our gym?"  Some Crossfit boxes have a women's wall ball line at 8 feet rather than our universal standard at 10 feet.  Where does that 2 extra feet factor in, what does it ultimately signify? Those of you who came from other boxes may find that we focus more on form and correct movement than super impressive times.  It may sounds elitist but these are simply programming choices, that were made when the gym was first affiliated and have since become law.  What else motivates these standards?

I think it stems from another point that may not be universal recognized: that your successes and failures are our successes and failures. We trainers invest so much of ourselves into training you guys that it can be just as exciting watching a client get a muscle-up as getting one yourself.  We ask for perfect form in challenging situations because it means you'll be safer. We ask more from our female clients because we know you all are capable of moving that weight and hitting that height, if not now in your training then very soon. 

We challenge all of you because we think you are able. And every day you rise to that challenge and sometimes you don't. And so it's our job to keep pushing you, to ask more, to make sure you aren't too comfortable. Admittedly it is a delicate balancing act between asking too much and not asking enough of you all. But that is our challenge as trainers.  And one we gladly accept. Because it is only through challenge yourself that improvements come.

Unless you don't want to improve, than ignore all of the above.

-Paul Siegel
Tommorrow's 5k WOD will be @ Columns Drive normal class times 8-9-10am!
Guys don't forget about the Saturday trail run down at Sope Creek. We will start running at 4:30. If you need directions post a comment to the blog or send Nate an e-mail. Also, if you get lost on the way there give me a call at 678-662-8208.

Welcome To:
              Josh and Glissel, were so excited to have you guys at CFSS.

Congratulations To:
             Jeremy, nice job today on graduating the On-Ramp. We look forward to seeing what the future has for you at CFSS.


  1. Great post Paul! Love your blogs. I'm all in with this thing and ready for you all to kick my ass harder than ever. I'll be over here sippin on my kool-aid...

  2. Fantastic post Paul!!! I enjoy being pushed. I feel I've already grown stronger in the mere 4 weeks I've been with the CFSS family. I look forward to continued growth in strength and mind. That's the biggest key there....you push me past anything I'd ever be able to commit to on my own and it's much appreciated!!! I hope everyone has a fantastic week.

  3. Paul, outstanding post! You spoke straight from MY heart. I could'nt have (as if you did'nt know) said it any better!

  4. Wonderful posting, Paul! Thank you!

  5. I am not afraid to admit that this blog is my homepage.. great post paul, as always

  6. Missing all of you guys...Two of the biggest deals in my career are tracking in parallel right now - not asking for a violin, but the work load is immense.

    4 cities in 8 days. In town next week, so I'll do my best to come in - i think I'll have to in order to decompress.

  7. Vilas, your comments always make me smile.

  8. Chris - I think you just need to go Pro and do crossfit full time instead of all the work stuff you do.

    Miss having you in there buddy. Come join us next week for some downtime!

  9. Paul, I look forward to reading this blog EVERY day & this is one of the reasons why! ! !...You are spot on with the delicate "balance" between challenge/comfort...a little past the limits/within what's safe etc. What has & continues to make me feel so well taken care of is the way ya'll know what I can do/need to do/ need to NOT do, etc. Having only known/observed me less than 2 months this kinda amazes me sometimes. Bottom line, pretty much I'd spin on my head w/ my feet lit on fire if that's what you guys told me to do...And, go home & never question it!:)

  10. how many tumblers did you drink Paul?

