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Thursday, May 13, 2010

7 minute AMRAP
95 lb. Power Clean, 10 reps
20 Anchored Sit ups

Normally I try and write something cogent and profound on some aspect of fitness. But "Barbara" has robbed me of any intelligent thought for today, I'm sure you guys understand.

Friendly reminder for the Family FunFest this Saturday at 11 a.m.
Family Dinner at Teela Taqueria at 7:15 p.m.
Who's planning on coming to Family Funfest?


  1. Babs is a thief for sure! She consistently robs me of my dignity!

  2. looking forward to family fun day! i tried to show Elliot (4 1/2) a burpee this morning....his form needs some work, but it was cute! - Kathrin

  3. Barbara is a dirty whore....OMG...hurting! Yall get in here; this one's fun! And anyway, it's only 7 mins.

  4. Me! I'm coming for family fun! I've been in NY for a week and I miss being sore.

  5. Todays actually looks kind of fun. I will have to try and do this on next weeks make up day. Barbara is calling my name tomorrow.

  6. I knew a barbara - back in my old job she was this really sweet lady who always had a smile. Wonder what she would say if she met us hurting folks

  7. Hello!... Can't wait for Saturday!... Maxwell's been talking about it all week! : )

  8. I have been gone for a week and I am almost afraid to come back!! I hate missing crossfit!

  9. Russ and I are sadly not gonna be able to make Family Fun on Saturday! (We have a health fair to do for FT at Emory hospital all morning) Please take lots of pictures of all those cutie pie kiddos ! ;)

  10. Wish I could make it but I'm parked on the couch a couple days with strep throat. Really sucks. At least this slowdown wasn't my fault like my typical injuries/antics/hospitalizations... Looking forward to getting back Monday. Yall have fun on Saturday.
