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Monday, March 1, 2010

Run or Row 5k

We are getting towards the end of the Gut Check Challenge.  From today you have less than two weeks left.  Watch this space for information concerning body fat sign ups, performance testing and other tid-bits.


  1. are we really doing a total tomorrow?

  2. Will it interfere w the challenge?...I thought the performance tests didn't start til the 15th....

  3. Yes, we will be doing total tomorrow and no, it will not interfere with the challenge.

  4. Hey just wanted to let everyone know that my husband & I just signed up for the Warrior Dash 5/23 at 12:30. Let me know if you sign up!... would love to do it with others!

  5. Ran 5K in DWoody. Time? Irrelevant. Fact that I ran 5K after the weekend I had? Amazing.

    In JAX tomorrow and Weds. See you guys/gals later in the week.

  6. yea...but it takes the fun out of seeing your gains over a 6 week period if we do a total now!

