Run 400m
Rest 90 seconds
Score is total time not including last rest.
Sign up for the Bodpod here. Body fat testing is happening this Saturday. To be eligible for the competition you must have done both Bodpod tests. We will be closed for working out this weekend and performance testing will start on Monday the 15th.
That is one sick Camaro. One of the best years also.
ReplyDeleteBlaise-You are right, you should see the engine he's got in there, I forget how large it is, but it is huge.
10 min light row, foam roll and stretch.
After Fridays little deadlift fest (30 min AMRAP of 315 DL: 33) I became increasingly sore in the posterior chain. Saturdays wasn't too bad, but Sunday it hurt to sit or stand up and there was no way I was working out Monday. Today was about limbering up the low back and getting moving again. Hopefully be able to hit the presses tomorrow with one of the classes and then run some 400's after.
That smoke is off the chain. Nice work Chad.
ReplyDeleteWill try to make it in tomorrow AM...See