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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grumpy old man hour at CFSS.
Paul " Bean Dip" Seigel squatting like a true professional.

Rest Day

3 Rounds of:
400m. Run
21 DB Swings, 55/40lbs.
24" Box Jumps, 15 reps
Say "Happy Birthday" to Karin, Becky, and Amy with this little nugget of birthday love.
3 Rounds of:
30 DB Swings, 55/40lbs.
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Burpee-Box Jumps, 20"
800m. Run
Make-up Day

When we first started thinking about this challenge I realized I needed to educate myself, so I went out to buy a few books. When I arrived at the diet section I was presented an overwhelming number of options, hundreds of books all purposing to do the same thing. How was I to tell good from bad. And I thought wouldn't it be great if someone would just tell me what I was supposed to eat and then maybe the why.

Luckily for you Jonathan will be doing that very thing at 7 p.m. tonight. He'll be presenting a lecture and then a Q&A afterwards. Paleo snacks may be provided.
-Paul "Bean Dip" Siegel


  1. OMG...all I can say is "I am so proud"

  2. Looking spiffy there bean dip!

  3. I'm right with ya Birdie, speechless!

    rest day fur me, looking forward to seeing everyone tonight.

    Happy Birthday Karin, Bex and Amy!!!!!!!!!!


    Hope you enjoy the workout. Much love to all of you guys. Thanks for being such an important part of my life.

  5. Happy Birthday ladies!

    The first thing Becky said after she finished the "b" workout: "Chace is Evil". I thought that's what we should call it.

    Jeff and Andy were quite a duo yesterday.

    Looking forward to the lecture tonight! See you all there.


    Bench 135x5x3
    Overhead Squat 115x3x3 (missed 3rd rep second set because of ADD)

    These are both lifts I used to do regularly but got away from. Easing back into them now. Felt good to bench again. Also nice not to have some sweaty football player trying to steal your bench when you weren't done with your set, but I digress.
    Missed that last rep because I got distracted. OHS is the only lift I turn off the music for, others I don't really care if it's on cause I can't hear it anyways. But If I drift a little on OHS, it's coming down.
