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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kiersten with the effect of double unders
400 lbs. deadlift 3 women. Will it go?

No worries. Even after 150 hip extensions.

Rest Day

Gut Check Challenge info meeting at 11 am-12 p.m.

We'll be discussing both the contests so come with any questions you have about that. We'll also have our sign-up sheet for the Bodpod. So you can do that before or after the meeting. If you can't make the meeting we'll recap everything on here on Monday.

Sunday class at 11:00


  1. Made up FGB today, 1st time
    rx'd...I checked the math an actually got 191!

  2. CrossFIT HQ website picture is a woman in her wedding dress doing a pull-up... I pick up my dress for May this week and I want to do that!

  3. And my workout Saturday was 16:51... 800m overhead carry with 25 lbs, 800m hill run, I stopped about 10 times for 100 squats :-)

  4. Way to go Joanna! You're doing great! You'll be doing all the pullups you want by May.
