From L to R (Carl, Cannon, Krissi, Chris L., Becky, Karin, Joanna, Jordan, Eric)
A.J. crushin ring dips
Jordon did "Vermont Smorgasboard" 41 degrees -no shirt/no shoes?!!? Badass bro!
More Alliance Jiu Jitsu rollers starting this week (Jason and Nara), might have to rename CFSS to Alliance CrossFit.
*No Sunday Class*
Five rounds, each for time:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds
Congrats to Joanna for getting the "Vermont Smorgasbord" quote! You get a gold star on the next workout.
It seems often enough that that rest is more of a curse than a blessing. What it let's you do is to recover almost fully before starting the next round. Over 5 rounds this metabolic debt increases until that 5 round is hard. Nate considers this to be one of the hardest Crossfit workouts. Go through each round as quickly as you can. You can't avoid the pain, might as well embrace it.
Many of you have mentioned starting a Paleo diet come the new year, you might want to hold off on that till we iron a few details out on a project we've been working on. But if you'd really like to start here is a great resources for Comsumer Supported Agriculture. CSA's are a weekly box of delicious local organic food, the one my family buys cost $20 and is full of delicious vegetables. Most you have to pick up at a designated location, some require some labor on the farm. Andy mentioned one that includes Local meat as well, maybe he'll chime in with some info in comments. The reason I mention this is because in Paleo it is the quality of the food, less than the macronutrient content. The better the quality of the food the better it is for you.
*No Sunday Class*
-Paul Siegel
To All my friends, wherever you may be and what ever language you may speak:
ReplyDeleteXin Nian Kuai Le * Kul 'am wa antum bikhair * Shuvo Nabo Barsho * Šťastný Nový rok * Bonne Annee * Prosit Neujahr * L'Shannah Tovah * Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen * Sal -e- no mobarak * Nave sal di mubarak * Felice anno nuovo * Hosa Varushadha Shubhashayagalu * Nveen Varshachy Shubhechcha * Nave sal di Mubarak * AN NOU FERICIT * Nayou Saal Mubbarak Hoje * Feliz Ano ~Nuevo * Eniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal * Noothana samvatsara shubhakankshalu * Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun * Naya Saal Mubbarak Ho * Happy New Year!
Hope 2010 is good to you :)
I'm excited about the Paleo and the CSA. Anxious to find out more. Carol