Yay Burpees!
3 rounds for time of:
135 Clean and Jerk, 10 reps
30 GHD sit-ups
Some details about the Bodpod:
Go here to schedule an appointment and to pay. You must sign up with them and in here with us.
In order to make your test as successful as possible please follow the following directions:
Avoid exercising 2 hours before the tests.
Avoid eating a meal 2 hours before the tests.
Avoid the use of stimulants such as caffeine at least 2 hours before your tests.
Men should wear single-layer compression shorts (without padding) or Form-fitting Speedo© or Lycra© / spandex-type swimsuit.
Avoid the use of stimulants such as caffeine at least 2 hours before your tests.
Men should wear single-layer compression shorts (without padding) or Form-fitting Speedo© or Lycra© / spandex-type swimsuit.
Women should wear spandex-type swimsuit, or Single-layer compression shorts and sports bra (NO padding or wires).
We're going to do our best to provide privacy for those of you taking the Bodpod test.
Last Thursday Dinner before the Gut Check Challenge. Teela Taqueria. 7 p.m.
ok...cannot wait to see all you studs in your very small speedo...whoo hoo