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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Name that squatter.
Name that squatter.

1 round of:
Bod pod for percent

Post numbers to comments if you'd like.

Remember we will be closed for working out tomorrow and open from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. for Bod pod and other tests.


  1. I might be able post up some big numbers on this one...

  2. Looking forward to kicking off the CrossFit Sandy Springs Gut Check Challenge.

    Good luck to everyone!

    3, 2, 1, go......

  3. Helloooo PALEO! My food for the day was:
    eggs, walnuts, almonds, beef, chicken, tuna, celery spinach, olive oil, pork chop, broccoli. 2,662 cal, 54g carbs and 223g protein. Nicely satisfied. Not hungry, not stuffed. Ready to go hardcore for 6 weeks!
    My BF was 28% so I'm ready to get to work on it! Good luck everyone! Ready to hit it with ya'll on Monday!

  4. I had an amazing salad with fruits, nuts and fish for lunch and prepped a whole bunch of Paleo food for the week! so excited!

  5. I'm absolutely sick I missed this - and will be missing next week of the lock-down start. Reasons beyond my control...

    Two cities next week - but will try to make it in when I'm in ATL.

    Wishing you all the best of luck with the challenge. I'll be participating as best I can, though not officially.

  6. 22% Body fat. I'm a little suprised I thought I was closer to 25%.

    Paleo food this weekend. We're (Pops and I) are still trying to dial it in before monday. Spent 3+ hours at Costco and Publix educating him about the ins and outs of Paleo eating.


    Paleo Beef Stew. Turnips instead of potatoes and no flour. A little loser than we normally like but very good. Has nightshades though, but whatever.

    Shrimp Stir-fry tonight: mixed vegetables from the crispier and peeled and cleaned shrimp. We'll figure out a good sauce for this tonight. Might be hard with no Soy!

    He had a Sardine salad today maybe he'll post up the recipe for you braver souls out there.

  7. My Paleo-ish dinner: bvarious berries, broccoli with hummus, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes, green peppers, and onions. I don't think chickpeas count, but it's better than chips & queso :-) I've learned I need more protein in my life... a lot more! I hardly have enough. Eggs are difficult to eat because of my high cholesterol, but I'm gonna give it a whirl!

  8. 100% paleo again today. I eat pretty much the same things but I'm ok with that. Jonathan said to actually increase my calories & protein since I was restricting too much and not letting my body burn fat. Shooting for just under 3k calories a day compared to my usual 1700 to 1800 when going hardcore. My protein is finally up too. Got 206g of protein today. I think I put away a whole hen-house of chickens in the last 2 days!

    My other big item is NO coffee or any caffine for 2 days now. Slight headaches from withdrawal but what I noticed is that my water intake is WAY up. Didn't realize how often I would drink coffee half the day before finally starting to drink some water. No coffee will be the biggest challenge yet.

    Can't wait to see what the WOD will be tomorrow!
