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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


back squat, 1 rep

shoulder press, 1 rep

deadlift, 1 rep


  1. Dang it! I love Total!! I am gonna stop being lame and I will be back in tomorrow morning at 7 am. Becky and Vilas!! See you there Gangsta!

    Nate and Chace. Thanks for checking on me.


  2. Can we do Fran tomorrow on the rest day?

    Btw, did a travel workout on Saturday... 150 burpees for time. My shoulders just started feeling right again. Took 16:50... should be able to get 14:00 next time because I didn't pace it right in the beginning.

  3. I hope so Curtis. I've never done Fran and looking forward to hitting it tomorrow.

  4. holy shit. HOLY SHIT. i just did fran for the first time. all this talk about it being THE crossfit workout got me pumped. somehow i have never done it. i have done variations but never just fran. i saw chace's time of 3:08 and decided i was doing it.
    big mistake, that was the worst thing ever. seriously. and i have broken my legs, back, and got my jimmy stuck in a coffee maker. not really on that last one, but given the choice between that and fran, i would not choose fran.
    i made several mistakes,
    1. i though that since chace and i were close on many things i would aim for a 3 minute fran.
    2. i wore jeans, a belt and skateboard shoes.
    3. i had to poop.
    4. i went heavy yesterday
    5. i am arrogant
    6. i have a loose understanding of gravity, time, and irony.

    anyways, it was like giving twenty dollars to a respectable charity and in return they kicked me n the face and proceeded to take twenty more dollars and call my mom a whore.

    i did it in 4:51. which i know is pretty good, but it certainly brought me out of the clouds, and put me in my place. i have a new respect for crossfit and all those folks who do it weather you are new or a verteran.
    crossfit never ceases to challenge me and keep me pushing myself physically and mentally all the time.
    so tired, so hungry.
