Crossfits is a sport of generalist. We are generalist in that we specialize in nothing. Through constant variety and change we seek to elicit a continuous series of adaptations across all time and modal domains. The areas in which we are the most developed are the ones which are hardest to have adaptations in. The areas we are the least developed see the most improvement and adaptations. It is important not to think of this adaptations as compartmentalized. Strength bleed over into endurance, double unders bleed over into cleans, ring dips into pushing strength and pull ups, running into snatches. We never build strength in vacuum, nor do we build endurance in a vacuum either; there is carryover everywhere. In the sport of crossfit these various adaptations cause increased power output over broad time and modal domains which is the name of the game.
What does this mean to those of you who aren't interested in sport? Simply put it means you suck less at life. Picking up odd objects transfer to picking up dog food, running lets you get upstairs without sucking wind and a good squat fixes so many damn things in everyday life I can't even list all of them here. Remember why you're in here and work towards that goal.
I know there are some of you out there who avoid heavy lifting for a variety of reasons and there are just as many who turn the other way when a 5k comes up, I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else. Tackle your goats head on, challenge yourself for virtuosity. You'll see greater improvements in life and crossfit by tackling this barnyard of goats than you will by simply staying in your comfort zone. Get out of your comfort zone, become comfortable with discomfort.
-Paul Siegel
Thanks to everyone for the push today. I could not of done it without you! :) I am warming up to "lifting" a day at a
ReplyDeleteBecky you were awesome! As always. See you in the morn
ReplyDeleteaw thanks V! How did you finish up? I have a love hate relationship with morning workouts because I can not stay and cheer everyone on after I finish... lol
ReplyDeleteCant wait until tomorrow!
Becky is way stronger than she thinks she is. It was fun to watch her figure that out.
ReplyDeleteNo workout today.
Won't be in this afternoon either, making dinner for mom's birthday. Have a good workout, everyone!
Nasty Nate and I are tackling the Dirty Dozen tomorrow.
I thought about wrapping that jump rope around Becky's kneck this morning after she started ripping off double unders her first try. Not fair Becky. Just not fair. You got talent like Paul said.
ReplyDeletedouble unders bec!? way to go. crossfit games 2010!? just want to say i really miss you guys a lot! i mis the vibe there, and all the comrodery and motivation. Nate, Chace, Paul, you guys have a great gym with great people. Yes, you guys are all amazing trainers, with true skill and passion for your trade, but what i will remember more than dead lift techniques is the great times you guys have created for so many folks. you guys are great!