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Thursday, October 15, 2009

A big 4 o'clock crew getting Frannish yesterday

5 Rounds for Time:
15 Hang Squat Cleans, 135 lb.
30 Push Ups


  1. Jared, awsome article! I saved it and I'll forward it to potential new clients. Thanks for posting.

    Today, 5k=27:13,3:45 OFF my PR, dont know if A)Chace's estimate to Abernathy was a little off or B)I totally pussed on the hills of Roswell Rd. or C)I'm still slow at distance running. I'm thinkin more of B and C.

  2. Yall I'm wrecked today. Total, Fran and then today's cleans/pushups zapped me. Creeping around like an old man.

    Amen on that hill Nate - adds a real challenge. Glad coach Glassman takes it easy on the long runs or I'd be a crossfit dropout. :-) See you in the am!

  3. I was looking back at old posts and wondered - What ever happened to J Lang?? Don't see Jason in the mornings either. What's up?

  4. CHAD-You did amazing today! I hope you are recovering alright.

    NATERS- thanks for my special workout today. It was a good one!

    See you fools in the AM.

  5. Thanks Becky! YOU did great too! That was a tough workout Nate threw on you. See you in the morning!
