Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
The 3 aspects most important to your success in here are:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
150 Wallball (20lbs.)
for time
The affiliate will be participating in Fight Gone Bad IV, We'll have more information and ways to sign up as soon as we know. Watch this space!
FGBIV is raising money for Wounded Warriors and Athletes for a Cure, which is a subsidiary of Prostate Cancer Research. We'll be doing the workout on September 26, 2009 which is a Saturday. We'll do the workout and then grill out, drink up some adult beverages (juice for the kids) and enjoy the post exercise euphoria with friends and families.
Satori, is a concept in Buddhism when a practitioneer first recognizes the essential nature of Buddha. It translates as a "Sudden Flash of Awareness". I believe that in Crossfit there are also Satori moments. The movements we do are complex multi joint compound movements. Nothing is simple. Most everyone struggled with Double Unders when they first started. Just think of that, all of you brilliant well educated people (and your humble writer) struggling with a simple piece of rope. And if it wasn't that then it was Cleans, Jerks, Deadlifts, Squats, running, rowing the list can go on infinitely. Rest assured you will meet your goat somewhere in here. But one day it will just make sense, everything will click, it will become effortless. But much as the Buddhist monks didn't realize their infinite Buddha nature by leading their everyday lives, you may not reach your Crossfit Satori without practice. Days, Weeks, Months of practice. Think of it as working meditation. And you'll have to put in a lot of it.
But one day you'll be working your clean and you'll get one just right, perfect. This is your Kensho moment. Your first peak at what is to come, keep working and you too will conquer these movements, reach virtuosity and maybe get a little taste of Crossfit Satori.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
In a marathon race, the Crossfitter will always lose to the marathoner. In a powerlifting meet a Crossfitter will always lose to the dedicated powerlifter. When you combine the two: a duathlon of marathon and powerlifting, the Crossfitter will destroy both.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
There is nothing that says you need to be strictly monogamous with your Crossfit box. We'd like to encourage all of you to be polygamous: go explore some of the 39 affiliates in Georgia. If you travel, visit different boxes (the listing for all the states and international affiliates is a little ways down the page). Bring home a t-shirt and ideas to make our box better. Where ever you may roam, you'll always have a home here.
Monday, August 17, 2009
1 minutes Sit-ups
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Today's post comes to us from Jon Gilson of Again Faster and one of HQ top trainers. He writes about corssfit being a "Cult". Gilson writes with a bit of a high blown and mellifluous tone. But his message is in the write place.
This can’t be a cult; the connotations are all wrong. "Cult" would imply that something foolish or devious is occurring, something motivated by greed or vanity, something to do with stars or demigods, the cosmos or the second coming.The only motivation here is excellence. Caring too much. Pushing the boundaries. All that stuff you say during a job interview and nobody believes you.
It sounds like a teenager’s drunken promise, whispered sweetly and mired in mal-intent.
Any rational human being would assume that there’s a plot, a cabal at the top, aiming to steal and maim, to prosper at another’s expense.
We do not want a cult, togas and Nikes ready for the apocalypse, and we couldn’t have one anyway. CrossFitters are too numerous to track, let alone control. They’re recklessly dispersed in America and the Middle East, Peru and Finland, Prague and Canada, arrayed under a thousand coaches, many of whom would just as soon eat horseflesh as agree with each other.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
21 DB swings 55lbs
Monday, August 10, 2009
800 meters
rest as needed between attempts
We talk a lot about diet in the gym and on the blog. One of the men on the frontlines of revolutionizing diet is Gary Taubes. His book "Good Calories, Bad Calories" has no original research done for it, it is merely a summary of the diet and science know to that point. It is amazing what we don't know in regards to diet. The empirical research, Taubes suggest, has not been done and what has been done was flawed and biased. Check out a talk of his here.
Another thing to remember is that if you mess on your diet, "cheat" as it were you shouldn't get too down on yourself about it. Everyone, everyone falls off a diet. You're not any worse off, you're not going to get fat, you're not going to get slow and weak. Pick yourself up, recognize what you did and why, learn from it and move on. You'll be fine.
Friday, August 7, 2009
- Contrast Hydrotherapy. I've written about this before. In the shower turn the water as cold as you can take it for as long as you can before going full heat. Repeat 3-5 times. I find this is a great way to loosen stiff muscles up.
- Icing. This is the general icing you've done for sprains and injuries. We've all heard of the bag of peas trick, I've find that frozen meat works better for me. Ice is obviously preferred, the smaller the size of cube the better. But don't dismiss using some frozen steaks or pork lion. Put a towel between you and the ice so you don't get frostbite. 10-20 minutes allowing the body to come back to temperature before icing again. 5 times a day should be seen as a minium especially with acute injuries. If you've got a little strain or are feeling especially sore throw some ice on there. I'm pretty sure it can't hurt.
- Ice massage. Take an insulated disposable cup like the styrofoam coffee cup fill it with water and freeze it. What've you created is a giant ice cube. This is great for acute injuries. take that ice cube and rub it exactly on the spot that hurts and nearby vicinity. Make sure to keep the ice moving. keep a towel around for the melt and go for 5-10 minutes. The cold penetrates deeper, massages tight muscles and is much more efficent than general icing.
- Ice Bath. Not for the faint of heart. Try this if your legs, arms or body is absolutely destroyed and you need to recover quickly. Buy 20-30 lbs. of ice (around $5). Fill your bath tub with cold water and the ice. Submerge. It's really that simple. the first 3 minute is the hardest and you need to do at least 10 minutes if not longer to feel the benefits. Speaking personally, I found it pretty refreshing once my toes regained feeling.
If you've got your own tips and tricks post to comments so that others may benefit.
Sorry for the late post. There will be no Sunday class. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks to everyone for their help today.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
"If I have seen further it is only be standing on the shoulder of giants."