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Thursday, June 11, 2009

AMRAP = as many rounds as possible

(20 minute AMRAP)

115 pound Hang Clean, 15 reps

12 ring dips

21 situps


  1. Awesome job Lindsey and Jess!!! Y'all did great!!!

  2. Yesssssssir! Some fantastic displays of strength in here yesterday. Today is rest for me, I go 5 days a week resting on Thrs and Sun. Ryan, nice job on 250, that's almost 255 which is what I got yesterday.

  3. sweet jesus. todays wod was ridiculous. super hard. i got 5 rounds done in 19 mins and just stopped. the thought of doing one more hang clean almost killed me. glad you are resting thursday and sunday nate. at your age you never can be too careful......nice job on 255......pops.

  4. You are absolutely right Ryan, N8 is getting pretty old. N8, seriously man, you really need to slow down. Your clock is getting close to it's final tick. That said, I got 7 rds, on todays WOD. Holy schnikees that was hard. No way I could of done with out Chuck. That is not a WOD to do alone.

  5. i like the amount of shit talking being done on here. so, chace and nate, i would like to say that my crossfit techniques are sometimes superior to your crossfit techniquesc, and sometimes my times are faster than yours as well. periodically i will also have a better attitude. BOOM! in your face

  6. "periodically i will also have a better attitude."
    That is some of the best shit-talking I have ever heard

    Todays WOD - 4 Rounds + 10 HC
    95# Hang Clean
    Toes on Box Ring Dips

    Judging from the big yellow bruises on my shoulders, I think my clean technique may need some work
