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Saturday, May 23, 2009

CFHQ Rest Day or Make-up a missed WOD

Rafa messin' up some weighted pull-ups.

A few of our star students just hanging out. Also, in the back, one of our newbs. It's a pleasure to have you around jessica.

CFHQ Rest Day

or try this

600m. Run

21-15-9 of:

Clean and Jerk, 45lb Dumbells


600m. Run


Sunday class will be later in the day this time. We will meet for one hour at 6p.m. Post a comment on the wall if you are going to be coming . I would like to have a head count. Thanks for your help.
Monday will only be a half day. We will be here at 8, 9, and 10a.m. Nate and I will train with you guys. So, don't miss your oppurtunity to yell at us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try and make it Sunday.. unless I'm the only one.. dont wanna make you come out for that.
    -Jessica G
