Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Lacy pullin sick watts on the ERG
"Sometimes you get what you want/
800 meter run
(2 rounds of:)
You get stronger by resting. Take a second and look at that statement, I'll wait.
Did you think about it or did you skip down? Really take a second and consider this. All the work we do in here, the lifting, the running, the dry heaving doesn't really amount to a hill of beans if your body doesn't recover from the stress you put on it. Remember according to Seyle's Theory of Stress it is possible to work yourself to death. And if not death then into the nebulous state called "over training". Over training at it's beginning you'll maybe see more soreness and being prone to injury, you wont recover as fast as you did. At the extreme end you'll see more colds and worse. Since over training has no distinct symptoms it is up to you to decide whether you passed that healthy point and declined into over training
What can we do to head "over training" off at the pass? Mainly what we can do is take consistent rest days. For a day off there are two ways we can approach it: Active, where you take a short run, do yoga or a quick easy row and stretch or you can sit around on the couch in passive where you do nothing. Personally my rest days tends toward a nap and a good foam roll, but too each his own. I'd argue that you should take a rest day after three to four consecutive days on. No one should do more than 5 days on, unless their sport requires it.
Occasionally you'll need to take more time off. Nate and myself generally make sure to take a week off for every 6-8 weeks of working out. This obviously depends on the type of workouts your putting in and any competition you have coming up. But 8 weeks is a good baseline Time these for vacations if you can. So ask yourself when was the last time you took a solid rest day. Have some logic to when you're coming in. I have be doing 1 on/1 off, Nate does 2. How many days a week are you coming in? When was the last time you took a week off?. What do you do?
Don't be a meathead: be smart about your working out.
* Bonus Points: Name the Christmas Movie this quote is taken from.
-Paul Siegel
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Have shins that become mangled and scraped from deadlifts, so you invest in tall socks. Partially to protect your legs and partially 'cause it looks bad ass.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Closed New Year's Eve and New Year's Day
Sunday's class will be at 11:00.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
squat cleans are as much technique based as they are strength based. Sure you can muscle some heavy weight up there (well I can't but some of you can) but ultimately with sterling technique you'll be able to move more weight easier. Squat Clean start in a position similar to the dead lift, lifted slowly to the hang and then exploded upwards. When the bar reaches it apogee, ideally at this point the lifter dives under the bar and catches at the rock bottom of the squat with a tight core. At this point the lifter racks the bar on her shoulders like in a front squat. Stand up. Now you've down a squat clean.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sleep deprivation mimics many elements of the aging process. One could make the argument that how you feel when you are sleep deprived is likely how you will feel if you are both diabetic and old (sleep deprivation dramatically impacts insulin sensitivity). Improved sleep time and quality will help you: Lean out, avoid depression, autoimmunity, heart disease…it might even help you be a better athlete. This is a very interesting article for me in that coaches simply tried a schedule more conducive to better sleep and they saw immediate performance improvements in their players. They also dumped the AM shootaround session and saw improvements. More down time, less junk “mileage”.
We have not worked with a ton of high level athletes but we have trained a few, and to good success. Something I have noticed with these folks is my job is less about motivating or pushing these people. They tend to arrive HIGHLY motivated. More than anything else I get the sense I save these folks from themselves. They will literally work themselves to death.
For the rest of us just trying to be healthy and live well the message is still there. Quality training, sleep and food really matters."
Smart words from a smart man. If your intensity is dialed in and your nutrition is solid but your still not seeing results check if you're getting adequate recovery.
-Paul Siegel
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sorry for the late notice. Sunday class is at 11.